- Oncidium luridum Ldl. cv Gower Ramsey 文心兰
- Oncidium luridum 文心兰
- Effects of different media and coagulant on the growth of in vitro Oncidium shoots. 基本培养基及凝固剂对文心兰试管苗生长发育的影响。
- Title: Effects of different media and coagulant on the growth of in vitro Oncidium shoots. 关键词:文心兰,组织培养,培养基,凝固剂
- Southern blot analysis showed that Oncidium has at least 4 copies of EIN2 in its genome. 南方墨点分析显示EIN2至少有四个拷贝分布于基因体组内。
- Oncidium Court is waterside loft in one of the oldest, everyone can speak their minds. If the water, please Sham! 文心阁,是水榭中最古老的阁楼之一,大家可以在这里畅所欲言。如果水,请深水!
- Li S.H., W.H.Chen, and C.S.Kuoh (1999) Morphogenensis of protocorn likebody in Oncidium Sharry Baby. 中华植物学会第二十二届第一次会员大会暨植物细胞生物学研讨会。
- Cartland, Dendrobium, and Portland 000, Oncidium, beautiful color, attitude million. 卡特兰、石斛兰、万代兰、文心兰,花色艳丽,姿态万千。
- The objective of this study is to use digital image processing techniques to extract feature parameters of oncidium cut flowers for grading. 摘要本研究之目的是使用机器视觉技术萃取文心兰切花之特徵参数,以进行文心兰切花之分级。
- Oncidium Sw. 文心兰
- The first method utilized the length of the flower part, the length of the stem part, and the number of branches to grade the flowers according to the grading criteria of oncidium cut flowers. 第一种方法系依据文心兰切花分级标准加以分级,所使用之分级参数有花部长、茎部长及分枝数。
- In recent years, I co-operation with domestic and foreign enterprises, flowers and seedlings in the production of tissue culture has made great progress, such as: Oriental lilies, Oncidium, and so on. 近年来,我公司与国内外企业合作,在花卉种苗的组培生产方面取得了很大的进展,例如:东方百合、文心兰等。
- Moreover, with the exception of flower bulbs, flower category's traditional strengths, the company's Phalaenopsis, Oncidium orchids and other high-end production and sales in China are the forefront. 而且,除球根花卉、草花类的传统优势外,公司的蝴蝶兰、文心兰等高档兰花产销在国内均位居前列。
- In Vitro Propagation of Oncidium by Bud and Inflorescence Culture 文心兰的茎尖及花梗组织培养和快速繁殖
- Establishment of the High Efficiency System of Oncidium Shoot Propagation 文心兰试管苗丛生芽高效增殖体系的建立
- Key Technology Study on Oncidium Industrial Propagation by Tissue Culture 文心兰规模化组培育苗关键技术研究
- Analysis on Factors Effecting in PLB Multiplication Culture of Oncidium 影响文心兰原球茎增殖培养之因素分析
- Study on the Technique System of Propagation of Bud Clumps in Oncidium 文心兰丛生芽组培快繁研究初报
- Effects of Hormones, Shoot Length and Number on Oncidium Shoot Propagation 外源激素、芽苗数及大小对文心兰试管苗增殖的影响
- Ribes luridumn. 紫花茶藨子