- How can I pass trust on from one service to another? 我如何把信任从一个服务传送到另一个服务?
- Question: How do I expose multiple endpoints for one service? 问:如何为一个服务公开多个终结点?
- TCP/IP networking provides only one service: Best Effort datagram delivery. TCP/IP网络提供的数据报传输是“Best Effort”服务。
- Of one service implementation by another with no effect to the clients of that service. 然而,基础架构支持在不影响服务的客户端的情况下由另一个服务实现。
- Often one service calls another service in a chain to determine the response to a request from a consumer. 一个服务通常调用其他服务来确定对消费者请求的响应,从而形成一个调用链。
- By being a service, even one service instance can handle vastly more independent requests per minute. 由于有了服务,每一个服务实例都可以在一分钟之内处理多得多的独立请求。
- They were heard to say: "Thanks for Royalism!It has rendered more than one service. 人们常听到他们这样说:“应当原谅保王主义!
- At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details. 系统启动时至少有一个服务或驱动程序产生错误。详细信息,请使用事件查看器检查事件日志。
- With the income I derive from making this one commodity, or rendering this one service, I buy all the rest. 我用我生产的商品、用我提供的服务所赚来的钱,去购买其他我所需要的商品或服务。
- One service might be populating a tree with devas.Another service might be producing devas for whales. 一个服务工作可以是用提婆组装一棵树,另一个服务工作或许是为鲸鱼制造提婆。
- If I had included both add and query functions in one service, then all of the changes we made to the data types would no longer be minor changes. 如果将添加与查询功能都包含在这一个服务中的话,那么我们对数据类型所做的所有改变将不再是局部改变了。
- Nepoleon from think great talent, offend a gram all, but thoughted of to be beat in Waterloo one service suffer a crushing defeat. 拿破仑自以为有雄才大略,攻无不克,却没有想到在滑铁卢一役中被打得一败涂地。
- One service not previously mentioned in relation to the Olympics is PTT (Push-To-Talk), which allows mobile handsets to function like walkie-talkies. 1服务以前未提及的有关奥运是公共交通总站(按键式通话) ,这使得手机的功能一样,步话机。
- They must appear standard and accurate. Telecom bills are just one service provided by banks, and are an important means of communication between banks and customers. 必须规范,并具安全性,电信帐单也是银行提供的一种客户服务,是银行与客户沟通的重要渠道。
- During one service in Islamabad, people observed the two-minute moment of silence at the sight of a building that collapsed and killed seventy four people. 在伊斯兰堡的一场追悼会上,当人们看见这幢大楼就默哀两分钟,这幢大楼在地震中坍塌,令74人丧生。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- If the grid middleware or the program environment can guarantee that only one service request will be going on at once in each service instance, then serial reusability is sufficient. 如果网格中间件或程序环境可以保证一次只有一个服务请求到达每一个服务实例,那么串行可重用性就足够了。
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。