- Operational Needs Statement 作战军需报表
- How to integrate with organizational strategic plans and operational needs? 如何与组织的战略计划和经营需要相结合?
- Does haemorrhoid operation need to a few days rest? 痔疮手术需要休息几天?
- Training programmes are reviewed regularly to meet changing society and operational needs. 训练计划定期进行检讨,以配合社会和工作改变的需要。
- Operators need only to load the cores and the LRH winds, automatically changes and unloads full rolls,’ said the company in a statement. 经营者只需要加载的核心和lrh风,会自动更改和卸载充分卷, '说,该公司在一份声明。
- Often, the goal is to reach a compromise between business and operational needs with the recovery mode chosen. 通常,恢复的目标是用选定的恢复模式在业务需求与操作需求之间达成某种妥协。
- We will extend some temporary jobs in the public sector to meet operational needs. 我们会延续部分在公营机构开设的临时职位,以满足运作需要。
- The HKMA places great emphasis on developing staff capabilities to meet operational needs and new challenges. 金管局非常重视员工培训,以应付运作需要及新的挑战。
- TOMCAT's software addresses both the clinical and operational needs of a cardiovascular service line. TOMCAT的软件强调心血管服务线的临床与操作需求。
- A telephone operator needs the patience to sit for a long time. 对于一个话务员来说,没有好的坐功是不行的。
- To better meet the present-day operational needs of schools and the Education Department,the Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2001 took effect in June. 《2001年教育(修订)条例》于六月生效,使法例更能符合学校和教育署现时的运作需要。
- To meet the government's operational needs,part of the Exchange Fund is also held in Hong Kong dollar denominated securities. 为应付政府的运作需要,外汇基金部分资产亦有投资于港元证券。
- The fall in foreign currency assets held in the Exchange Fund can be attributed to withdrawals of fiscal reserves to meet government operational needs. 外汇基金的外币资产减少,是因为政府提取了财政储备以应付运作需要。
- These efforts, along with strong support from Navy and shipbuilder management, result in an affordable submarine that satisfies all operational needs. 这些努力;减少了海军大量造船过程中出现的问题;最后生产出满足所有设计要求的潜艇.
- Air Force Mission Element Need Statement 空军任务分队需求申请
- To better meet the present-day operational needs of schools and the Education Department, the Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2001 took effect in June. 《2001年教育(修订)条例》于六月生效,使法例更能符合学校和教育署现时的运作需要。
- Joint Mission Element Need Statement 联合任务执行分队需求报告
- Automated Information System Mission Need Statement 自动信息系统任务需求声明
- Submissions on review of acting appointments made to meet operational needs, passage of bar, opening-up, revision of terms and Guides to appointment, etc. 这个类别的建议包括因运作需要而署任职位的检讨、通过关限、开放职位、修订聘用条款及聘任指引等。
- No separating, concentrating and abstracting operations needed. 此法简便、快捷,不需分离、富集,亦不需萃取。