- Operations Research Division 作战研究处
- He worked for a research division of it. 他为它的一个研究部门工作。
- We also have a marine information research division. 我们还有一个海洋情报研究室。
- Rachel Whitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study. 雷切尔惠特默从恺撒永久研究部主导的这项研究。
- But the folks at Microsoft's research division now have quantifiable proof. 但是微软研究组成员现在有了量化了的证据证明。
- In 1995, CIW set up the first market research division in the Chinese IT press. 1995年,成立中国IT媒体第一家“市场研究部”,成为第一家对市场产品进行研究的IT媒体。
- In other words, operations research might be called quantitative common sense. 换言之,作业研究可以称为计量的常识。
- Operational Research is a newly emerging subject. 运筹学是一门新兴的学科。
- Tina holds a MBA from Harvard Business School and a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from UC Berkeley. 汝林琪毕业于哈佛商学院获工商管理硕士学位,并在加洲大学伯克利分校获机电工程学士学位。
- New driverless truck, made by the Graduate Research Division of the Control Engineering Department. 7. 图6:交大控制工程系研制的无人搬运车。
- John R. Hall, Jr., “The Total Cost of Fire in The United States,” Fire Analysis &Research Division, NFPA, 2001. 台北市政府捷运工程局,”台北市忠孝西路共构地下街工程防灾计划书修正五版”,民国九十年四月
- The future fo operations research applied to management decisions warrants enthusiasm. 在管理决策中应用作业研究的前景是乐观的。
- Dynamics but also ushered in the integration of control theory with operations research. 以综合控制理论展示,同时有操作研究和计算机科学。
- The findings appeared in the journal Neurology.Reecho Rachel Whitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study. 研究员说这是首次研究论证中年肥胖和痴呆风险的关系。
- The future of operations research applied to management decisions warrants enthusiasm. 在管理决策中应用作业研究的前景是乐观的。
- The findings appeared in the journal Ninology Neurology.Rachel Whitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study. 研究人员称,这是第一次研究证明了中年腹部肥大与患痴呆症风险的联系。
- After the war, an invasion of economists gave operations research new scope and vitality. 战后,经济学的介入,给运筹学带来了新的领域和活力。
- The findings appeared in the journal Neurology.Rachel Whitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study. 研究人员称,这是首次通过研究证实中年腹部肥胖与痴呆风险之间存在联系。
- Maloni M, Benton W Supply Chain Partnership: Oppo - rtunity for Operations Research[J]. 许淑君;马士华.;我中供应链企业问的信任危机分析[J]
- The theories and methods of operations research (OR) are more and more widely used nowadays. 运筹学作为应用数学理论与方法面向社会的前沿分支;其用途越来越广泛.