- Option on a futures contract 期货合约期权;期货期权
- When a trader or institution assumes the obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. 当一个交易者或是一个机构接受或者交割期货合约买卖时所承担的义务。
- Selling if one has bought, or buying if one has sold, a futures or options on futures contract. 若先前购买则卖出期货或期货合同的期权,若先前售出则买入期货或期货合同的期权。
- One who has bought a futures or options on futures contract to establish a market position and who has not yet closed out this position through an offsetting procedure. 已经购买了一个期货或期权合同的人建立一个交易盘口,并且没有通过冲销抛售盘口。
- You have an option on a piece of land . 你有买卖一地皮的选择权。
- Default 1. The failure to promptly pay interest or principal when due. 2. The failure to perform on a futures contract as required by an exchange. 违约;未能履行合约1.;未能在到期时准时还本付息2
- The clearing firm representing the seller notifies the clearinghouse that its short customers want to deliver on a futures contract. 代表卖家的经纪公司通知清算所期货合同中的卖家希望交货了。
- Do NOT enable this option on a production server. 不要在正式的服务器上使用这个选项哦。
- Get or set options on a transaction. 获得或设置事务的选项。
- It's difficult deciding on a future career. 决定将来的事业是一件很难的事情。
- Payable on a future date or dates. 定期的在未来的某个或某些时期偿还的
- Working on a part-time basis can prepare them for a future career. 做兼职为大学生将来的工作作好准备。
- Full serration: New for 2006 Microtech Will offer a full serration option on a limited number of sku's. 郯拆模钼树脂涂层:高腐蚀和耐化学性,装饰性,边际耐磨性,易于翻新的微技术。
- She has taken an option on that piece of land. 她已取得那块土地的购置权。
- The method of allocating exercise assignment notices on options on futures will be on a random basis. 在期权和期货上行使转让公告的分配方法将以随机的方式进行。
- The place on a chart where the buying of futures contracts is sufficient to halt a price decline. 在图表中当有足够的期货合同的购买量足以阻止价格下跌的一个量。
- We have a 12-day option on the house. 我们有12天时间考虑是否购买那所房子。
- For a futures trader who holds a 100 oz. contract on a $1,000 margin that $10 decline represents a total wipeout. 对于期货交易者,如果买了100盎司,10美元的下跌意味着出局。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- If a bank that has liabilities with a shorter repricing period than its assets writes a call option on a bond or bond futures, it is actually reducing its interest rates sensitivity. 如果一家银行的负债价格调整期比资产价格调整期短;它出售债券看涨期权或债券期货看涨期权; 实际上可降低其利率敏感性.