- Or fails to reuse the 或者不能重用
- To refuse or fail to follow an order or a rule. 不服从,违抗拒绝或不服从命令或规定
- To refuse or fail to obey(an order or a rule). 不服从,违反拒绝或不遵守(命令或规定)
- A person who neglects or fails to do what law or duty requires. 罪犯,有过失者:未履行法律或职责所要求做到的人
- Lice or fails to perform its obligatio under this Contract. 许可人未能履行其合同义务。
- Additionally, you will often want to reuse the same code to bootstrap your tests, a cronjob, or a service script. 继续补充,你平时可能经常会重用一些代码来启动你的测试程序,定时任务,或是服务端脚本。
- Infected tadpoles then sprout extra legs or fail to develop both limbs. 〉科学家现在已知道,当寄生虫离开螺类寄主进入蝌蚪体内后,便把自己埋藏在靠近后腿处。
- In our scenario, we have a choice as to whether we want to reuse the outbound Web service destination for the inbound service destination, or create a new one. 在我们的场景中,我们需要选择是将出站Web服务目的地重新用于入站服务目的地,还是创建一个新的入站服务目的地。
- He repeatedly fails to pass the exam. 他考了多次都不及格。
- Machines can sometimes misread or fail to detect the way 1)ballots are cast. 机器有时会误读或检测不出选票显示的结果。
- If you plan to reuse the still image in your iMovie project, choose PICT. 如果打算在iMovie项目中重用该静止图像,请选取PICT。
- The company fails to pay on the date stipulate in the contract. 该公司没有按合同中规定的日期付款。
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他们就要断电。
- Please unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully , because I want to reuse the paper. 打开圣诞礼物时一定要小心,因为我还要用那个包装纸。
- The scores will be deducted if a racer's foot touches the ground,or fails to pass the barrier or exceeds the time limit. 通过障碍时技巧难度很大,脚踏地、未通过、超时等都要扣分。
- This book fails to give what the blurb describes. 这本书不像该书护封上所描绘的那样好。
- Since we found it easier to be able to reuse the field definitions when creating the server program. 因为我们发现在创建服务器程序时使字段定义能被重用更加容易,所以我们已经在。
- These features enable you to reuse the settings and list structure in an efficient way. 通过这些功能可以有效地重复使用设置和列表结构。
- Sometimes a witness is late or fails to appear, and another must be called out of turn. 有时一个证人迟到了或未出庭,就必须传唤另一个,无法按次序传唤。
- Build application profiles and custom finders around these gateway entities to reuse the tuning parameters. 根据这些网关实体来构建应用程序概要文件和自定义查找器,以重用协调参数。