- Central Ordnance Supply Depot 中央军械供应库
- Ordnance Supply Depot 军械补给仓库
- In box 5, AVL represents an Army Supply Depot. 在方框5上的AVL表了一个军队补给仓库。
- All of the ground units could get ammo supply from the near supply depot. 所有地面部队可从附近的补给中心获得弹药补给,增强战斗力。
- The Terrans are alerted to this threat when an SCV starts building a supply depot by the rocks. 人族一个在岩石屏障附近修建补给站的SCV发出了警报。
- For 50 energy, the Terran Orbital Command can increase a supply depot's supply provided by +8 permanently. 花费50点能量,人族的轨道指挥中心可以给人族的补给站增加8人口。
- A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population,31, 802. 哥伦布美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802
- Activate interlocks! Supply depots connected. 开启内部锁扣!补给站已对接成功。
- A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 31,802. 哥伦布:美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802
- Eliminated this this motion is long-distance raid, Mars has become the Earth humanity most greatly also is a final large-scale interspace supply depot. 除此本次行动是长途奔袭,火星就成为了地球人类最大也是最后的一个大型星际补给站。
- The amount that the MULE gathers is subject to balance, but it will be more than the cost of a supply depot by a generous amount. 一次召唤电驴可以采集多少资源,是一个仍然需要平衡的问题,不过相比使用增加人口的技能而言,召唤电驴带来收入会更多点。
- A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 3,802. 哥伦布:美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口3,802
- The parts had lain in a storage warehouse for 12 years after getting lost while being shipped from Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to a supply depot in Georgia. 这些部件在多佛空军基地失踪后就在仓库里放了12年之久,本来是要送到乔治亚州一个修理厂去的。
- Division Ordnance Supply Officer 师军械供应官
- Ordnance Supply Office Illustrated Parts Breakdown 军械供应处图解零部件细目表
- Put in charge of a regimental transport unit, be was forced to give the supply depot officer one-seventh of all his gasoline.His superiors took another seventh for their personal graft. 他负责一个团的运输队,不得不把全部汽油的七分之一留给军需仓库主任,他的顶头上司还要再拿走七分之一以饱私囊。
- In box 4 we have another AVL;the most advanced field army supply depot, which as a rule, is intended for a sector occupied by an army corps, and takes care of the divisions in contact with the enemy. 在方框4上,我们看到另一个AVL,最靠前的战地军队补给仓库,直接支持军团防区和与敌接触的各师。
- I have played games with Protoss where I used a nullifier to force field the other side of the supply depot to keep SCVs from repairing them, and then blew up the supply depot as well. 我曾经试过用神族(打人族)的时候,用否决者在敌人封路的补给站后面放了个力场,把它们企图过来修的SCV都挡住,然后很容易就把那补给站打爆了。如果是虫族的话,可以用毒蛉。
- She worked in an ordnance factory during the war. 战争期间她在一家兵工厂工作。
- Medical equipment and supply depot; 卫生器材仓库;