- Effect of Organic Carbon Sources on Growth and Photosynthesis of Nannochloropsis sp. 生长及光合作用的影响。
- C. vulgaris could grow heterotrophically on organic carbon sources such as glucose, fructose, acetate, etc. 小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)可以利用葡萄糖、果糖、乙酸盐等有机碳源异养生长。
- Organisms dependent on an organic carbon source are termed heterotrophs. 依赖于有机碳源称为异养结性物。
- Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were employed to cultivated aerobic granules with ethonal, sodium acetate and glucose as the organic carbon source, respectively. 本试验采用SBR反应器,分别以乙醇、乙酸钠和葡萄糖为碳源,在高氨氮浓度下培养好氧颗粒污泥。
- The removal of nitrate from the underground water by biological reactor with solid organic carbon(cotton,paper,rice straw,wood flour) as carbon source and reaction media was studied. 研究了以固相有机碳(棉花、纸、稻草和木屑)为碳源和反应介质的生物反应器对地下水中硝酸盐的去除。
- Airborne measurements of carbonaceous aerosol soluble in water over northeastern United States: Method development and an investigation into water-soluble organic carbon sources 美国东北上空可溶于水的含碳气溶胶的飞机测量:方法研制和调查溶入的有机碳源
- Organic carbon sources 有机碳源
- Effect of two carbon sources on growth and metabolism of Cellulomonas sp. 两种碳源对纤维单胞菌生长及代谢的影响。
- Keywords autotrophic denitrification;nitrogen loss;anaerobic ammonium oxidation;oxygen limitation;organic carbon source; 自养反硝化;氮流失;厌氧氨氧化;供氧受限;有机碳源;
- Effects of carbon sources on ASTA biosynthesis by mutant was studied. 研究不同碳源种类对诱变株合成虾青素的影响。
- Zn situation of vegetable garden soils and its relation to soil organic carbon. 菜园土壤锌营养状况及其与土壤有机碳的关系。
- Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important part of soil carbon pool. 溶解有机碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon,简称DOC)是土壤碳库的重要组成部分。
- The effects of light, agar and carbon sources on the growth of in vitro cultured root tips of Fraxinus mandshurica were studied. 摘要研究了光照有无、琼脂添加与否和不同碳源对离体培养的水曲柳根尖生长的影响。
- Galactosylglucose could not be used as the carbon source. 阿魏菇对乳糖利用情况最差,胞外多糖产量及菌丝量均为最低。
- Soil trace element geochemistry indicates that the area is an organic carbon and bromine negative anomaly area. 土壤微量元素地球化学表征为有机碳含量、元素负异常区。
- This paper mainly studied on the effects of optimal carbon sources、nitrogen sources and C/N ratios on mycelia growth. 本文初步探讨炭色离褶伞菌丝生长所需要的最适碳源、氮源以及不同碳氮比对菌丝生长的影响。
- In the case of carbon sources, sucrose and maltose increased significantly PLB proliferation. 以碳素源而言,蔗糖及麦芽糖对PLB增生有明显效果;
- Soil organic carbon releases CO2 at the aeration status, which results in greenhouse effect and consequently influences global change. 摘要碳主要在通气状态下释放出CO2以温室效应的形式影响全球变化。
- Conclusions Carbon sources have a more remarked effect on the growth of A. mellea than the nitrogen sources do. 结论 碳源因素对蜜环菌生长的影响大于氮源因素。
- The organic geochemistry analysis shows that the average organic carbon abundance is 1. 62% . 有机地球化学分析表明烃源岩有机碳含量平均达1.;62%25;