- Ornamental diseases and pests 园林病虫害
- Major Diseases and Pest and its control in Phellodendron sp. 黄柏主要病虫害及防治技术。
- The Main Disease and Pest Control Countermeasures of Cycas spp. 苏铁主要病虫害及其防治对策。
- This book is especially emphasized to important crop diseases and pests. 内容上突出重点,特别是生产上重要的病虫害;
- We need urgent action to conserve these breeds that are resistant to many diseases and pests. 我们需要采取紧急行动来保存这些能抗多种病虫的畜种。”
- The binary classification key, a kind of basic data structure is widely applied in the taxonomic identification of diseases and pests. 摘要二叉分类检索表作为一种基本数据结构,被广泛地应用于病虫分类鉴定。
- Dai X. 2009. R-based Spatial Distribution Maps of Citrus Diseases and Pests in China. Jiangxi Agricultural Science. In press. 戴小华.;2009
- Transplantation should be done, she says, even if it risks engendering new diseases and pests or other unintended consequences. 她说,即使可能造成致命的新疾病、新害虫,或其他意料之外的后果,我们仍然应该进行移植。
- Some studies indicated that useful Bacillus cereus had good effects in plants' growth and could control plant diseases and pests. 摘要研究表明,益生蜡样芽孢杆菌能促进植物生长,防治植物病害。
- The development of the database retrieval system for the vegetable diseases and pests based on B/S structure was presented in this paper. 本文建立了一个基于B/S结构的蔬菜主要病害数据库检索系统,对其数据库构建和系统功能设计进行了阐述。
- By performing these standards, the cucumber diseases and pests will be safely controlled from varieties selection, sowing, grow seedlings, setting and harvest. 通过执行此项标准,将使天津市黄瓜从品种选择、播种、育苗、定植直至收获全程病虫害得到安全防控。
- The species and the occurrence of diseases and pests were investigated.Samples of germs, pupas, larvae and adult pests were collected for identification. 摘要调查了危害川芎的主要病虫害种类及其发生规律,对病菌标本与害虫的蛹、幼虫、成虫标本进行了鉴定。
- The interface of the system was friendly and conveniently to use, which collected 77 kinds of diseases and pests in eluding 24 kinds of diseases and 53 kinds of pests. 其中病害24种,叶部病害11种,枝部病害8种,根部病害5种;虫害53种,食叶性害虫24种,刺吸式害虫18种,钻蛀性害虫7种,地下害虫4种。
- Abstract: The application of heat treatment technology in controlling postharvest fruit diseases and pests and delaying fruit senescence have been emphasized in recent years. 摘 要:应用热处理技术控制果实采后病虫害和延缓果实衰老是近年来果实保鲜领域的研究热点。
- Smaller saplings grew better in more sheltered environment, were intolerant of high ground water levels, and suffered relatively fewer diseases and pests. 结果表明:米径较小的苗木适宜生长在较为封闭的环境中,不耐高地下水位,病虫害较少;
- Seed-coating technique has been widely used to prevent the damage caused by diseases and pests and supples nutrient microelements needed for crop growth. 为了防止病虫对播下的种子危害,同时增加种子抗病虫害的能力和增加适合作物生长的微量元素,当前大量采用种子包衣技术。
- A forest operator shall use fine species, construct mixed forests, carry out scientific forestation and improve the ability to prevent forest diseases and pest damages. 省、自治区、直辖市行政区域内的重点防护林和特种用途林的面积,不得少于本行政区域森林总面积的百分之三十。
- Objective An investigation was made into Chaenomeles speciosa in the original plants for providing the science basis on comprehensive control of diseases and pest insects. 目的对宣木瓜地道产区的病虫害进行了调查研究,为综合防治病虫害提供科学借鉴。
- This is a critical point where mango producers need to wrap with plastic bag each mango to prevent scars, disease and pests. 这是个关键的时刻,因为每一只芒果都需要用塑料袋包裹妥当以防止表面产生划痕或病虫。
- The assistant expert system developed for diseases and pests identification and taxonomic study can carry out the diversified functions of the system, and meet various requests of users. 开发研制出的病虫害辅助分类鉴定专家系统,可以实现系统的多元化功能,能满足用户多方面的需求。