- The ship was decked out with flags and bunting. 这艘船用旗和旗布装饰得十分漂亮。
- Ortolan Buntingn. 圃鹀
- Opened offices in Madrid managed by Lionel Ortolan. 在马德里开设办事处,由Lionel Ortolan管理。
- To reach base safely on(a bunt or ground ball). 安全上垒使(短打或地滚球)成为安打
- European bunting inhabiting marshy areas. 生活在沼泽地带的欧洲白颊鸟。
- He squeezed him in with a perfect bunt. 他以一记漂亮的轻打使他得分。
- Jack managed to bunt the fastball. 杰克极力用短打打出投手投出的快球。
- The country is gay with all colors of bunting. 全国上下到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。
- The PCR detection of karnal bunt of wheat. 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌PCR检测。
- The ship was decked outwith flags and bunting. 这艘船用旗和旗布装饰得十分漂亮。
- He is no good at Bunting the Baseball. 他不擅长于棒球短打。
- European bunting the male being bright yellow. 欧洲白颊鸟,其雄鸟是亮黄色。
- Nairoby is already decked out in bunting. 内罗毕已经用彩旗装饰起来。
- On deck, all hands!Make fast the bunt gasket! 所有人立刻上甲板,赶快拉紧束帆索!
- Grease and flour a 8-inch bunt pan. 8寸中空模抹油洒粉。
- The batter executed the bunt perfectly. 打击手很完美地完成了这次短打。
- Outside her window, an indigo bunting was singing. 窗外一只靛青鸟唱著歌。
- The streets and lanes are decked with bunting. 大街小巷彩旗飘扬。
- The ship was decked out with flags and bunting . 这艘船用旗和旗布装饰得十分漂亮。
- The city was gay with all colors of bunting. 这个城市到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。