- Osmunda mildei C. Chr. 粤紫萁
- Osmunda mildein. 粤紫萁
- Study of selenium content in Osmunda L. 薇菜含硒量的研究。
- Hill wild series are: Osmunda japonica, bracken and Cinen Ya, and so on. 山野菜系列主要有:薇菜、蕨菜和刺嫩芽等。
- Analysis on the Nutrient Guality of Wild and Cultured Plants of Osmunda japonica Thund. 紫萁野生苗与组培苗的氨基酸、无机元素含量的比较。
- The ultrastructure of the blepharoplast and the multilayered structure (MLS) in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea var. 精子发育过程中的生毛体和多层结构的超微结构进行了研究。
- Healthcare: Osmunda cinnamomea with colorful nutrition, tonifying spleen, regularly enjoying can have a good health. 营养健体薇菜营养丰富,补益脾胃,利肠,常食之有强身健体之功。
- Osmunda, Pteridium aquilinum, fungus, tea, incense and more strains of high quality. 薇菜、蕨菜、木耳、茶叶、香菌量多质高。
- The amounts of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn in Day-lily flower, Osmunda cinnamomea and Walnut kernel were determined by Microwave digestion-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. 摘要采用微波消解样品,用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了黄花菜、薇菜和核桃仁中的铜、锌、铁、锰的含量。
- Abstract: Osmunda japonica is a vegetable fern with a potential of economic exploitation, which is, however, limited by the quantity of wild resource. 摘要 :薇菜是一种具有经济开发潜力的食用蕨类植物,但其经济利用受到野生资源量的限制。
- With proper processing technology, Osmunda japonica Thurb can be treated to make instant food with satisfactory nutrition and flavor. 研究并采用合理的加工工艺生产出营养和味道俱佳的薇菜风味食品。
- Economic trees have fordii, sumac, walnut, chestnut, but also rich fungus, Tremella, bracken, Osmunda, Shannon bacteria and strawberry. 经济林木有油桐、漆树、核桃、板栗,还盛产木耳、银耳、蕨菜、薇菜、香菌、草莓等。
- The results showed that the penoxidase isozymes bands became more and more with the development of Osmunda japonica Thund. 结果表明,随着紫萁的发育,过氧化物酶同工酶谱带明显增加,孢子体时期,谱带基本稳定。
- There are patterns of economic crops party, walnuts, kiwi, edible fungus, fungi, Osmunda, Pteridium aquilinum, and other natural tremella. 经济作物有纹党、核桃、猕猴桃、木耳、菌类、薇菜、蕨菜、天然银耳等。
- Edible wild vegetable resources Osmunda, Pteridium aquilinum, Ciwujia, etc. more than 80 species of annual production of 7500 tons. 可食性山野菜资源有薇菜、蕨菜、刺五加等80余种,年产量达7500吨。
- Hematischesis:Osmunda cinnamomea is ancillary for treatinghaematemesis,hematochezia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis and otherdiseases, which will have an certain effect. 止血薇菜可辅助治疗吐血、便血、崩漏等出血性疾病,有一定效果。
- New World fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) having narrow, spore-bearing, cinnamon-colored leaves in early spring, which are later encircled by wider, sterile green leaves. 桂皮紫萁,普通肉桂蕨:新大陆的一种蕨(分株紫萁紫萁属),早春时有狭长的、带孢子的肉桂色叶子,稍晚为较宽的不育的绿色叶子所包围
- At first, we inoculated the Osmunda Japonic Thunb spore and cultivated it on 1/4MS culture base. 30 days later, about D0.2cm slice shape substance was formed. 首先;将紫萁孢子接种于1/4MS的培养基上培养;30d可诱导形成D0.;2cm左右大小的片状体。
- The peroxidase (POD) isozymes in the different development stages of Osmunda japonica Thund were studied using the method of PAGE and spectrophotometer. 利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和分光光度法,对紫萁不同发育时期的过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶进行了测定。
- Osmunda claytoniana L. [医] 绒紫萁,美薇