- The conclusion was that the inefficient of the PE powder pneumatic haulage blower, parallel connection with another small one was the main counter-measure. 得出聚乙烯粉末输送风机跳车是因其效率降低的结论,制定出并用一台小风机的对策。
- The phenomena that the PE powder pneumatic haulage blowers frequently interlock shutdown was described, the possible reasons were analyzed in many aspects and the main reason was found out, the method to solve the problem was given. 对聚乙烯粉末输送风机频繁联锁跳车现象进行了描述,从不同方面对可能的原因进行了分析,并找出根本原因,给出解决方法。
- Application of PE powder to rain boot PE粉料在雨靴靴面胶料中的应用
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- Actually they even have vanilla powder. 实际上还可以加香草粉。
- He takes a powder every morning. 他每天早晨吃一种粉状药。
- Borax is a kind of white powder. 硼砂是一种白色粉末。
- Shaking will settle the chalk powder down. 晃一晃把粉笔末抖落下来。
- Borax must be reduced to powder for infants. 硼砂必须研成细粉才能供婴儿使用。
- He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。
- There's too much powder on your nose. 你鼻子上的粉擦得太多了。
- Excuse me, where is the powder room? 请问女厕所在哪里?
- Agitate the mixture to dissolve the powder. 搅动混合物而使粉末溶化。
- We have PE classes on Tuesday and Friday. 我们在星期二和星期五上体育课。
- Dusted talcum powder on my feet. 在我的脚上撒爽身粉
- I have Art and PE in the afternoon. 我们下午上美术课和体育课。
- PE. We often play football in PE class. 体育。我常常在体育课上踢足球。
- We usually have PE lessons in the playground. 我们通常在操场上上体育课。
- They mix the bran and corn powder together to feed the pigs. 他们把麦麸和玉米粉混合起来喂猪。
- Do we have a PE lesson this afternoon? 我们今天下午有体育课吗?