- PS2、MVC、nm23?H1、C?erbB?2是乳腺浸润性癌术后独立的预后指标。PS2,MVC,nm23 H1 and C erbB 2 coud be considered as the independent prognostic predictors in invasive breast cancer after resection.
- PS2presenilin 2
- pS2基因ps2 gene
- pS2蛋白pS2 protein
- PS2键盘PS2 keyboard
- MVCModel-View-Controller
- nm23nm23 gene
- 雌激素调节蛋白PS2PS2
- nm23-H1nm23-H1
- MVC模式MVC pattern
- 鼠标控制(配PS2鼠标电缆)Mouse control (with ps2 Mouse Cable)
- MVC模型MVC model
- nm23-M2nm23- M2
- Nm23-M1Nm23-M1
- MVC框架MVC framework
- 接通鼠标:-用PS2电缆(2)接PS2/RS-232For mouse control, connect: -the PS2 cable (2) to the PS2/rs-232 or
- MVC结构MVC Frame
- nm23蛋白nm23 protein
- pS2在上皮性卵巢癌中的表达仍为激素依赖性;The expression of pS2 in EOC was dependent on estrpgen.
- nm23-H1BGenes.nm23-H1B