- Pacific Fleet Amphibious Force 太平洋舰队两栖部队
- Transports Amphibious Force Pacific Fleet 太平洋舰队两栖部队所属运输舰
- Training Command Amphibious Forces US Pacific Fleet 太平洋舰队两栖部队训练司令部
- Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Forces Exercise 大西洋舰队两栖部队演习
- Amphibious Forces Pacific Fleet 太平洋舰队两栖部队
- Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Force 大西洋舰队两栖部队
- The Pacific Fleet got revictualled. 太平洋舰队得到了食物补给。
- The submarine was attached to the Pacific Fleet. 这艘潜艇暂派到太平洋舰队执行任务。
- Hawaii is hone to the US Pacific Fleet. 夏威夷是美国太平洋舰队的基地。
- The submarine was attached to the Pacific Fleet . 这艘潜艇暂派到太平洋舰队执行任务。
- Yuke G Enemy amphibious force has begun advancing. 敌军两栖部队开始推进.
- The U.S. Pacific Fleet was cri led with 8 damaged or destroyed battleshi . 美国太平洋舰队陷于瘫痪,8艘战列舰遭重创或被摧毁。
- Russia Pacific fleet has maneuvered in the Far East Pacific section. 俄国太平洋舰队已在远东太平洋地区进行演习。
- The U.S. Pacific Fleet was crippled with 8 damaged or destroyed battleships. 美国太平洋舰队陷于瘫痪,8艘战列舰遭重创或被摧毁。
- Yuke Landing Force Assault squadron, provide fire support to the amphibious force. 进攻中队,为两栖军提供火力支援。
- Transport Amphibious Force Atlantic Fleet 大西洋舰队两栖部队所属运输舰
- They'll have a one-day honeymoon, and then he goes straight out to the Pacific Fleet. 他们只能度一天蜜月,然后他就直接到太平洋舰队去。
- The U. S. Pacific Fleet commander established an ambush, waiting for the Japanese. 美国太平洋舰队司令设下埋伏,等待日军的到来。
- Command Amphibious Force Pacific Representative 太平洋舰队两栖部队司令部代表
- The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander established an ambush, waiting for the Japanese. 美国太平洋舰队司令设下埋伏,等待日军的到来。