- The software package definition file is the text version of a software package. 软件包定义文件是软件包的文本版本。一个。
- The meta package definition file points to each application package in the software package. 该元数据包定义文件指向软件包中的各应用程序包。
- The source host is the system upon which the software package block is stored, and the location of the resources referenced in the software package and software package definition file. 源主机是存储软件包块的系统,也是软件包中引用资源的位置,以及软件包定义文件存储的地方。
- Next, the administrator prepares a meta package definition file that groups several application packages into a single collection for downloading as a software package. 接下来,管理员准备一个元数据包定义文件,该文件将几个应用程序分组成单独的集合,作为软件包供下载用。
- Package Definition File 程序包定义文件
- Be sure to keep the virus definition file updated. 请确保病毒定义文件不断更新。
- No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file. 启动块定义文件中没有指定加载程序。
- Describes the XML Skin Definition File and graphic file requirements for skins. 描述外观的XML外观定义文件和图形文件要求。
- Internal identifier of the browser as specified in the browser definition file. 在浏览器定义文件中指定的浏览器内部标识符。
- The XML mapping file must be valid against the XML schema definition file. XML映射文件必须能够通过XML架构定义文件的验证。
- Document Type Definition file used by SGML and XML to define mark-up languages. SGML和XML定义标记语言使用的“文档类型定义”文件。
- Describes a single definitions file. 描述单个定义文件。
- Browser definition files are new in the.NET Framework version 2.0. 浏览器定义文件在.;NET Framework版本2
- Keyword is no longer valid for module definition files. 关键字不再对模块定义文件有效。
- A report definition file that defines the report layout and the commands used to retrieve data. 用来定义报表布局和数据检索命令的报表定义文件。
- Bdf file Binary distribution format - used in font definition files. 二进制分配格式文件二进制分配格式-在字体定义文件中使用。
- The P100 stamp indicates that the message contains a URL that is present in a phishing definition file. P100标记指示邮件包含一个在冒仿定义文件中出现的URL。
- MMP file Project definition file - specifies the properties of a project in a platform and compiler independent way. 工程的定义文件-指定工程在独立方式的平台上和编译器上的属性。
- Name of an event class field, as defined in the application definition file (ADF). 事件类字段的名称,在应用程序定义文件(ADF)中定义。
- To mitigate this threat, maintain strong ACLs on browser definition files. 为了减轻该威胁,请在浏览器定义文件上保持强ACL。