- Kau Pak Kwan is the Chairman of the Board and acting CEO of Kingsoft Corporation. 求伯君是金山软件公司的董事长兼代理ceo。
- Kau Pak Kwan graduated from the Nattional Defense University of Scince and Technology in China in 1984 with a specialty in Information Management Systems. 求伯君于1984年毕业于中国人民解放军国防科技大学信息系统专业。
- Park Kwan Yong 朴宽用(1938-),韩国人,国会议长(2002-04),曾任大国家党副总裁、代理总裁。
- Because she was an acrobat when she was yong. 因为她年轻时是个杂技演员。
- Fu Yong, OTC director of Roche in China. 罗氏大众药品部(中国)总监傅勇先生表示。
- Kim bumps into her classmate, Pak. 金偶然遇见她的同学派克。
- Pak Ko Garment Equipment Co., Ltd. 柏高制衣设备有限公司。
- Liu Yong was a native of Wuyi Mountain. 柳永就是武夷山人。
- Captain Kwan continued to explain in earnest. 关机长一脸认真地继续解释。
- Very good. Yong man. You have a point there. 很好,年轻人,你说的有道理。
- Pak Sha Road and Lee Garden Road. 白沙道及利园山道。
- On the stage, Eric and Kelvin Kwan played madly. 孙耀威与关楚耀在台上玩到癫。
- Pak Tin Catholic Primary School (A.M. 白田天主教小学(上午校)
- The Narrative Strategy of Jin Yong's Nov. 金庸小说的叙事策略;
- Kwan Kin Travel slogan(humorous! 关键旅游口号(超爆笑!
- Who say book sheng hundred no one yong! 谁说书生百无一用!
- Pak Tin Catholic Primary School (P.M. 白田天主教小学(下午校)
- Special Guest for this episode is Susanna Kwan. 这一集的特别嘉宾是关菊英.
- Tung Chung Road at Pak Kung Au and near Cheung Sha. 伯公坳及近长沙之东涌路。
- Mr. Jin Yong is a household name in China! 金庸先生在中国可真是家喻户晓啊!