- Pakistan Army Staff College 巴基斯坦陆军参谋学院
- Pakistan army to go after Taliban chief. 巴基斯坦军队追捕塔利班首领。
- Pakistan Army Chief of Staff Ji Yani Wednesday said that Pakistan does not allow foreign troops on its territory for military action. 巴基斯坦陆军参谋长基亚尼周三表示,巴基斯坦不允许外国军队在其境内进行军事行动。
- In 1920 into the Camberley Staff College. 1920年进入坎伯利参谋学院学习。
- But Pakistan Army Spokesman Athar Abbas tells VOA that the troop movements are not what he called an "ominous buildup. 但巴基斯坦军方发言人阿巴斯告诉记者说,调兵并非他所谓“具有不祥征兆的增兵”。
- Colleagues of Israeli army Staff Sgt. Alex Mashavisky, killed during combat in Gaza, mourn over his grave during his funeral in Beer Sheva, Israel. 在加沙冲突中牺牲的战友的葬礼上,以色列士兵抱头恸哭。
- Pakistan army gunship helicopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago. 自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。
- Musharraf resigned as army chief on Wednesday.Vice Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani will take over as the new army chief. 星期三,穆沙拉夫辞去陆军参谋长一职,副参谋长基亚尼接任参谋长。
- Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said Wednesday's operation was an unprecedented violation of those guidelines. 巴基斯坦军方发言人阿巴斯少将说,星期三的这次行动前所未有地违反了这些行为准则。
- He also went to Britain to study and Command and Staff College in Quetta and the National Defense Academy. 他还曾赴英国学习并在奎塔指挥参谋学院和国防学院任教。
- His final active duty assignment was as the Commandant of the Armed Forces Staff College. 他的最后一次任务分配是担任陆海空参谋学院的司令官。
- Following this so-called Manchurian Incident of 1931, Kwantung Army staff officers quickly forced the creation in early 1932 of a puppet state called Manchukuo. 继1931年的所谓“满洲事变”后,关东军的参谋军官们很快于1932年初强制建立了一个叫做“满洲国”的傀儡政权。
- Charles came away with a watch from Kuwait and a pistol from the commandant of Kuwait's Military Staff College. 这些东西都是查尔斯夫妇去年出访外国时收到的礼物。
- Grieves is going to study at the marine staff college in Quantico, Virginia, to earn credits towards becoming a lieutenant colonel. 格里夫斯将要在弗吉尼亚的海军参谋学院学习; 获得学分逐步成为一名中校.
- Since then Pakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision day night attack capability and recently we have been able to watch the video in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed. 吉拉尼发表电视讲话说,现在已经到了采取严厉行动,打击武装分子,恢复西北边境省部分地区和平与安宁的时候。"军队的使命,是为了维护国家的神圣和完整,对消除武装,并确保人民安全。"
- The first thing to do is to move our HQ to a decent place where we can live in reasonable comfort and where the Army Staff can all be together and side by side with the HQ of the Desert Air Force. 第一件要做的事是把咱们的总部搬到一个像样的地方,使咱们的生活可以过得相当舒适,使集团军的参谋人员能够聚在一起,并且同沙漠空军的总部毗邻。
- Major General Athar Abbas, chief spokesman for the Pakistan army, said that there was "no plan" to start operations in Waziristan."It's the government that decides these things," he added. 巴基斯坦军方总指挥、首席发言人阿瑟阿巴斯说,暂无在瓦齐里斯坦的作战计划,而这些也是由政府决定的。
- Army Command and General Staff College 陆军指挥与参谋学院
- It is time for the Pakistani Army to return to its barracks and for us to have confidence in the people of Pakistan. 现在是巴基斯坦军队回到兵营的时候了,而我们应该对巴基斯坦人民有信心。
- From a trivial matter can be seen: in 1938, the German army staff map of the Survey and surveying a mobilization order: In order to meet future operational needs to print some maps. 从一件小事可以看出这一点:在1938年,德国陆军参谋部地图勘测和测量局的一个动员令:为应付未来作战需要,必须印制一批地图。