- Palestinian security chief Dahlan 巴勒斯坦安全部长达赫兰
- Palestinian security chief 巴勒斯坦安全部长
- The chief of police in the West Bank, Taher Zaid, says most members of the militant group will be trained to join Palestinian security forces. 约旦河西岸警察局长塔希尔.;扎伊德说,这个激进组织中的大多数成员将接受训练,然后加入巴勒斯坦安全部队。
- RAMALLAH, West Bank - Militants sacked and burned Palestinian government offices Sunday, the latest sign of growing anger over Yasser Arafat's decision to reach into his old guard and choose a loyalist relative as his new security chief. 巴勒斯坦武装分子周日洗劫并放火烧毁了巴勒斯坦政府办公楼,以抗议巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿拉法特选择自己的亲信担任巴安全机构负责人。
- The office of Palestinian President Mahmoud A as i ued a similar condemnation and said Palestinian security forces are searching for the photographer. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯的办公室也发出类似的谴责,并表示巴勒斯坦安全部队正在搜寻这名摄影记者。
- "The Palestinian security systems have no superiority, in terms of armament over Hamas," said Mr. Nasser. 纳塞尔说:“巴勒斯坦安全系统在武器装备上并不比哈马斯优越。”
- U.S. troops have targeted Hekmatyar's security chief, Kashmir Khan, in Kunar. 美国军队已经在库纳尔锁定了Hekmatyar的安全部长Kashmir Khan。
- Prince Nayef's long career as security chief also has darker chapters. 纳耶夫王子在长期担任安全部门最高领导期间也曾有过人所不齿的经历。
- The talks in Damascus were feared to have collapsed over differences on policy with Israel and control of the Palestinian security forces. 此次在大马士革的谈判怕的就是因以色列和巴勒斯坦的政策不合而最终无果。
- Palestinian security forces stormed this two-storey building in a northern West Bank town after a fierce gunbattle took place. 在一次激烈的枪战过后,巴勒斯坦安全部队突袭了位于约旦河西岸北部村庄的这幢两层建筑。
- Israeli and Palestinian security officials continue to hold coordination talks and President Abbas says Palestinian forces are ready to move southward in Gaza.Mr. 以色列和巴勒斯坦安全官员继续为协调行动展开对话,阿巴斯总统说,巴勒斯坦部队做好了向加沙南部推进的准备。
- By clamping down on crime and guerrilla violence in the West Bank, the Palestinian security forces have enabled Israel's forces to pull back from most of the Palestinian cities. 通过严打约旦河西岸的犯罪和游击队暴力事件,巴勒斯坦安全部队已使以色列军队得以撤出巴勒斯坦大部分城市。
- The security chief felt his fists tighten, then warned himself not to allow his feelings to become too strong. 安全部头子发觉自己在无意中握紧了拳头,就连忙告诫自己不要感情冲动。
- According to Palestinian security officials, more than 10 tanks and armored personnel carriers drove over a kilometer into eastern Nablus, while other troops entered Nablus from other directions. 据巴勒斯坦安全人士说,十多辆坦克车和装甲运兵车深入那不鲁斯东部一公里多,而其他部队则从其他方向开进那不鲁斯。
- Baghdad security chief General Qassim Moussawi said the suicide bombings bore the hallmark of al-Qaida. 巴格达的安全首脑卡西姆.;穆萨维将军说,自杀爆炸袭击明显带有基地组织的痕迹。
- The violence has been fueled by a power struggle between Haniyeh and Abbas over control of Palestinian security forces. The clashes have raised fears among Palestinians of civil war. 冲突是由哈尼耶和阿巴斯就巴勒斯坦安全部队控制权的权力之争引起的,这埸冲突使得巴勒斯坦人对内战的担心加剧了。
- Iran's national security chief, Ail Larijani, said Monday he believed diplomacy could quickly resolve the i ue. 伊朗国家安全事务负责人拉里贾尼星期一表示,他认为有可能通过外交途径迅速解决问题。
- But the Palestinian Military on 24th issued a statement saying, the Palestinian Security forces had already discovered the crash reconnaissance aircraft wreckage in the south Wasey Ristine area. 但是巴军方24日发表声明称,巴安全部队已经在南瓦齐里斯坦地区发现了坠毁的侦察机残骸。
- Reported that Palestinian security officials said paramilitary troops in the North-West Frontier Province and more areas Sani patrol was attacked Taliban militants, the two sides then exchanged fire. 报道说,巴准军事部队安全人员当天在西北边境省多阿巴地区巡逻时遭到塔利班武装分子袭击,双方随即发生交火。
- Tiny ran to flag Deputy Security Chief Margaret Kimmel's daughters when they returned from their private school. 极小的跑向旗子代理人安全主要的玛格丽特 Kimmel's 的女儿当他们从他们的私人学校返回的时候。