- Pan African Press Agency 泛非新闻社
- PAPA Pan African Press Association 泛非新闻社尼日利亚
- The structure of that new Pan African Union would be based on that of OAPI and ARIPO in order to ensure future development of IP in Africa. 新泛非联盟的结构将以OAPI和ARIPO为基础,以保证非洲未来的IP发展。
- According to Poland Press Agency, Nastase came to Poland on the 4th for a one-day official visit. 据波通社报道,讷斯塔塞4日对波兰进行为期一天的正式访问。
- The Delegation further stated that at a recent Pan African workshop, e-IFL learned that a number of governments were not consulting with the library community on changes to Copyright law. 该代表团进一步指出,在最近一次的泛非洲研讨会中,e-IFL得知某些政府并未与图书馆界就版权法的变更进行磋商。
- We distance ourselves from the project title - it was done by our press agency which obviously mistranslated our German project name into English. 我们远离该项目冠军-这是由我们的新闻机构显然误我们德国项目名称译成英文。
- Hartley, contesting the Formula Renault 3.5 series as well as Euro F3, told the New Zealand press agency NZPA that his calendar had become too busy. 哈特利,争夺雷诺方程式3.;5系列以及欧洲F3的,告诉新西兰新闻社NZPA,他的日历已成为太忙
- Although the photo has been published before, Mr Blair's hand gesture was digitally removed from it by the press agency which supplied it, out of respect for the Prime Minister. 尽管这张照片之前被公开过,但出于对首相先生的尊重,当时提供照片的新闻社对照片中布莱尔的手势进行了数码技术处理。
- Despite the green light four months ago, Italian supermarkets are not selling food containing, farmers’ association Coldiretti said on Thursday, as reported by ANSA press agency. 意大利农户联合会Coldiretti上周四说,尽管四个月以前政府就许可转基因食品(genetically modified organisms GMOs)在意大利的销售,但意大利的超市仍然没有销售这类食品。
- Pan African Telecommunication Union 泛非电信联盟
- Pan African Women rs Organization 泛非妇女组织
- Pan African Reconciliation Council 泛非调查理事会
- Pan African Institute for Development 泛非发展学会
- The French Press Agency reported that Gul would also be meeting, separately, with the head of the Kurdish regional government, Nechirvan Barzani to discuss how the new accord would be implemented. 法新社报导说;居尔还将另外会晤库尔德自治区政府领导人巴尔扎尼;讨论如何实施这一新的协定.
- Pan African Telecommunication Union ( PATU ) 泛非电信联盟
- The key staff members of press agencies and right-holding broadcasters will have priority in choosing the hotels. 新闻机构和特权转播机构的关键岗位人员在选择MPC媒体酒店时拥有优先权。
- Pan African Implementation and Partnership Conference; 泛非执行和伙伴关系会议;
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- Pan African Network for a Geological Information System 泛非地质信息系统网
- Some of the enamels on this pan are chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。