- Paola Cacchi 卡基
- Vaporidis Franco.Interlenghi Paola. 主要演员:Nicolas.
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Paola - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Paola 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Paterniti I, Genovese T, Crisafulli C, Mazzon E, Di Paola R, Galuppo M, Bramanti P, Cuzzocrea S. 老鼠以手术的方式造成脊髓损伤。
- Paola Tealdi, the export manager from the winery, will be attending the dinner and tell you about her wines. 该酒庄的出口部经理,将出席此次晚宴向您们介绍他们的美酒。
- Paola got so angry yesterday when by mere accident, I drop the coffee on her shirt. : 昨天我不小心把咖啡洒到了保拉的T恤衫上,她非常生气。
- The bianconeri ended the match with one man less due to the sending-off of De Paola. 而后由于德-保拉被罚下斑马军团只好以10人应战。
- Francesca and Paola De Fazi were 10 and 11 when they broke into a London house where McCartney had once lived. 弗兰切斯卡和保拉20年前还是10岁和11岁的小姑娘。当年她们潜入麦卡特尼曾经居住过的位于伦敦的住宅,在里面发现了一本日记。
- Australia's Briony Cole/Melissa Wu claimed the silver with 335.16 points and Mexico's Paola Espinosa and Tatiana Ortiz got the bronze with 330.06. 在周二举行的女子双人10米跳台决赛中,中国组合王鑫与陈若琳以总成绩363.;54分获得金牌。澳大利亚组合布莱尼-科尔与伍丽群以335
- For her last appearance on the Olympic stage, the Spaniard, with Annabel Medina-Garrigues, was knocked out in the first round by Argentina's Paola Suarez and Patricia Tarabini. 此外,她还获得过四次大满贯赛事的单打冠军,六次双打冠军,以及其他92项国际网球赛事的冠军。
- S. open tennis champion Gabriela Sabatini, 2004 Athens Olympic silver medallist in tennis women's double Paola Suarezs were leading the roster of torchbearers. 在一个狭窄的路段,拥挤的热情人群造成局势稍微失控,接力运行团队主动熄灭了火炬,等待布宜诺斯艾利斯警察疏导交通。
- Dam: “Paola” sister to 1st National Montauban and a granddaughter to 1st Natioanl Limoges. With these bloodlines you can see why “T.C.” is and outstanding breeding cock. 母辈:“宝拉”是蒙特班国家赛冠军的妹妹,利蒙治国家赛冠军的孙女。通过这些血统你也可以知道为什么“T.;C
- Museum of Art, the Museum of New Castle Weser, Gerhard - and Paola Marquez’s former home - Becker - Modeersong former residence of the important works on display. 州政府称为“市政府”,市政府主席即州长。每年2月份的第二个星期五,德国社会名流被邀请到不来梅市政厅参加船员和船主们传统的“聚餐”。
- According to Paola Sapienza, a professor of finance at Northwestern University in Illinois who is one of the paper's authors, that is just what has happened. 根据伊利诺伊州西北大学金融学教授,该篇论文作者之一,PaolaSapienza所说,这正是曾经所发生的一切的根源。
- Francesca and Paola De Fazi were 10 and 11 when they broke into a London house where McCartney had once lived. They found a diary from the year 1970,full of notes,drawings and doodles in McCartney's handwriting. 弗兰切斯卡和保拉20年前还是10岁和11岁的小姑娘。当年她们潜入麦卡特尼曾经居住过的位于伦敦的住宅,在里面发现了一本日记。这本日记记录了麦卡特尼从1970年以来的笔记、绘图还有其他涂鸦之作。
- Francesca and Paola De Fazi were 10 and 11 when they broke into a London house where McCartney had once lived. They found a diary from the year 1970, full of notes, drawings and doodles in McCartney's handwriting. 弗兰切斯卡和保拉20年前还是10岁和11岁的小姑娘。 当年她们潜入麦卡特尼曾经居住过的位于伦敦的住宅,在里面发现了一本日记。 这本日记记录了麦卡特尼从1970年以来的笔记、绘图还有其他涂鸦之作。
- Hsu K J.1988.Relict back-arc basins:principles of recognition and possible new example from China.In:Kleinpell K L and Paola C,eds.,New Perspectives in Basin Analysis.New York:SpringerVerlag. 贾承造魏国齐等.;中国中西部两期前陆盆地的形成及其控气作用[J]
- The coachman went up the Via di Ripetta and the Porta San Paola; 车子经立庇得街出了圣·保罗门。
- Cacchi 卡基
- Reforming economic governance in Europe: exploring the road to effective coordination; Paola Subacchi 改革欧洲的经济治理:探索有效协调之路