- When the war was over, there was a tumultuous parade in London. 战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行。
- He is next in dignity to the mayor. 他的官职仅次于市长。
- She is on parade in her new dress in the street. 她穿着新衣服在大街上走来走去。
- Parade in dignity 济济跄跄
- Worst fucking parade in the city. 举行这座城市最糟的游行。
- It may be the most famous annual parade in America. 这可能是美国最著名的年度游行了。
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. “人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等”。
- Lots of times you have to pretend to join a parade in which you're not really interested in order to get where you're going. 好多时候,为了要走到你想到的地点,你得假装成参加那一队你实在不感兴趣的行列走。
- It was the main song in the musical film Easter Parade in 1948. 它成为1948年的音乐剧《复活节游行》的主题曲,
- The PLA staged its first military parade in Hong Kong yesterday. 解放军昨日首度在港举行阅兵仪式。
- When the war is over,there is a tumultuous parade in London. 战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行。
- There will be a huge parade in celebration of National Day . 人们将举行一个盛大的游行来庆祝国庆节.
- There will be the 14th Big Parade in Chinese history. 这将是新中国历史上第14个国庆大阅兵。
- The house paraded in small roped-off area. 那匹马在用绳子圈起来的一小块地上走来走去。
- The company was going to break the sales campaign with a parade in May. 该公司将在5月份搞游行以开展销售活动。
- The Scouts paraded in front of the Queen. 童子军在女王面前列队行进。
- Ice Shaggy is a very Cool product, it looks cool like ice and clean like jade, it is in dignity and elegance quality. 冰丝地毯是我司研制的非常独特的新品,她冰心玉洁,高贵典雅。
- The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd. 囚犯被押解游街示众。
- There will be four parades in a row on Sunday. 在星期日的时候,会有连续四。
- The army paraded in (full) strength . (全部)军队接受了检阅.