- Parnassius acco vairocanusn. 爱珂绢蝶唐古拉亚种
- Parnassius acco tulaishanin. 爱珂绢蝶祁连亚种
- Parnassius acco rosein. 爱珂绢蝶青海湖亚种
- Parnassius acco humboldtin. 爱珂绢蝶柴达木亚种
- Parnassius acco rosean. 爱珂绢蝶北拉萨亚种
- Parnassius acco goergnerin. 爱珂绢蝶南拉萨亚种
- Parnassius accon. 爱珂绢蝶
- The models overcome the demerit of symmetry about inflexion in the old models,and acco... 最后,用实例证明了该模型的应用效果。
- The regulation of tobacco in China should not ignore precedent international lessons while taking into acco... 烟草产业规制要在规制效率、规制成本和社会公正之间寻求平衡。
- Acco Dating ii to yourmestimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?
- The thesis mainly talks about the cause and prevention of auditing risk from the view of certified public acco... 本文从注册会计师和会计师事务所的角度浅谈审计风险成因和防范问题。
- Go to this page and enter your email address. Your acco nt key will be emailed to you. 到这个页面,输入你的邮箱地址。你的账号密码将会邮给你。
- Its compilation must acco rd with the demands of city planning and government decision for geological technology. 力求做到内容准确、明晰可读、易懂,紧紧围绕城市规划设计和政府决策对地质技术的要求进行。
- This paper divides the forming of Mao's post-war strategic thoughts into four stages,and analyzes each stage acco... 本文将战后毛泽东在战争与和平问题上形成的战略思想分为四个阶段,并对此作些梳理与探析。
- Those of Asher did not expel the people of Acco, Sidon, Ahlab, Achzib, Helbah, Aphik or Rehob. 阿协尔也没有把阿苛、漆冬、阿赫拉布、阿革齐布、赫耳巴、阿费克和勒曷布的居民逐出,
- Summary of Background Data.LBP acco unts for high economic costs in Western societies. 背景概述:在西方社会中,腰背痛就意味着很高的经济负担。
- It means that the criminal-investigating act is the one that is executed by the public security organ on the base of definite authority acco... 区分公安行政行为和刑事侦查行为具有重大的理论和现实意义。
- Reqirements:1.Over junior college,good English speaking,reading and writing2.At least 2 years experience as acco...... ... 公司名称:常州高博能源材料有限公司工作地点:江苏省常州市发布时间:2009-4-8
- Monthly and Yearly cost accounting closing. Ensure sub-ledger is reconciled with general ledger. Ensure the cost is allocated correctly. 负责每月及年末的成本核算结账,确保总帐与分类账相一致,确保成本分摊正确。
- Purpose of the Position 1)To efficiently call customers on a day to day basis in a given specific regional acco...... ... 公司名称:阿克苏诺贝尔涂料(东莞)有限公司工作地点:广东省东莞市发布时间:2009-7-9