- Partnership between the UK and 英国和中国之间的合作
- There is still a significant cultural difference between the UK and the US. 英国和美国之间依然存在明显的文化差异。
- The relationship between the UK and China continues to develop in new areas. 中英关系在新的领域得到持续发展。
- These events will further increase co-operation and collaboration between the healthcare sectors of the UK and China. 这些活动将进一步增进中英两国在医疗保健领域方面的合作。
- What are the similarities and differences in the physiographical features between the UK and the US? 英国和美国在地形特征上有什么相同和不同点?
- Football links between the UK and China are growing rapidly as part of the close relationship between the hosts of the two next Olympic Games. 作为未来两个接连举办奥运会的主办国,英国和中国之间的足球联系发展迅速。
- Mr. Brown will also participate in a number of cultural events to promote the warm and friendly ties between the UK and China. 布朗阁下访华期间还将参加一系列文化活动,以更进一步推动英中两国间的友好联系。
- The UK and China are currently exploring possibilities for practical co-operation between the two aid programmes in Ghana and Tanzania. 目前,英国和中国正就中英在加纳和坦桑尼亚两国加强援助合作的实施可行性进行探讨。
- Managing Director of promoters SAIL, Brand de Villiers, added: “The time difference of just two hours between the UK and South Africa is the key. SAIL的执行董事布兰德-德-维利尔斯补充说:“南非和英国的时区只相差2个小时。这是关键。
- More than any other bilateral relationship, that between the UK and the USA permeates all areas of British foreign policy. 与别的双边关系相比,英国与美国的双边关系更是涉及英国外交政策的各个方面。
- Key priorities include providing consular services to British citizens, delivering a fair and efficient visa service, and promoting trade between the UK and Southern China. 我馆的主要业务范围包括对在华英国公民的领事服务、公正而高效的签证服务、推动英国与华南地区的双边贸易。
- EU statisticians interviewed people between the ages of 20 and 74 years old in Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, Hungary, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, the UK and Norway. 欧盟的统计学家们采访了年龄从20到74岁的人群,他们来自比利时、德国、爱沙尼亚、法国、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、芬兰、瑞士、英国和挪威。
- With the shedding of the baggage of history,the successful reunification of Hong Kong with China will,I hope,herald a new and significant chapter in the relationship between the UK and China. 香港已放下历史的包袱,顺利回归中国,我希望英国和中国的关系会揭开意义重大的新一页。
- This is achieved by good partnership between the fencer and the fencing master. 要达到这样的要求,得需要击剑者和击剑熟手的默契配合。
- Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered to form a partnership between the parties. 本协议中的任何内容均不得被视为构成双方间的合伙关系。
- The unlikely partnership between the state media behemoth and the private Web start-up has a precedent, too. 新华社这家官方媒体巨头与开心网这家创办不久的民间网站进行合作,这件看似不大可能的事情却有先例可循。
- NIAP is a partnership between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Security Agency. NIAP是国家标准和技术协会与国家安全局之间的一个合作机制。
- Today is a time to be remembered for both CEC and Philips, and the long-term strategic partnership between the two parties. 今天,对中国电子、飞利浦,以及双方长期的战略合作都是一个值得纪念的日子。
- This is a partnership between the medical schools at Indiana University in the United States and Moi University in Kenya. 这是美国印地安纳州大学的医学院和肯尼亚莫依大学之间的合作项目。
- The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. 贫富之间的差距扩大了。