- Party committee session 党委会议
- He was later removed by the party committee. 后来,他被党委撤职了。
- The Party committee starts out to write a report. 党委着手写一个报告。
- Comrade Wang is secretary of the Party committee. 王同志是党委书记。
- Secretary of a provincial Party Committee. 省委书记是。
- He was later removed by the party committee . 后来,他被党委撤职了。
- The Party committee secretary made up the document personally. 党委书记亲自草拟了这份文件。
- Here is a comrade asking for the Party committee secretary. 这儿有位同志要见党委书记。
- Will the provincial Party committee leaders make mistakes? 省委领导会不会犯错误?
- Please put me through to the office of the Party Committee. 请给我接通党委办公室的电话。
- From now on,you report direct to the Party committee. 从现在起,你们直接归属党委领导。
- From now on, you report direct to the Party committee. 从现在起,你们直接归属党委领导。
- Wang was a member of the township Party committee in charge of publicity. 王文科是负责宣传的镇党委委员。
- She asked that the message be taken to the County Party Committee immediately. 她要求把这封信立即送到县委去。
- Soon letters and pledges of determination poured into the Party committee. 大量的决心书很快就送到了党委会。
- The Party committee has settled on a plan for enlarging the factory. 党委决定了一项扩建工厂的计划。
- The university Party committee was aware of this matter but took no measures. 学校党委注意了这件事,但是没有采取措施。
- Four Provincial Party Committees sound in Geyuan. 四省省委响葛源
- They decided to represent their urgent need to the District Party Committee. 他们决定向区党委反映他们的迫切需要。
- The secretary of municipal Party committee came to our school to report. 市委书记来我校做报告