- Never to betray "Dangyi" (party principle) and "Fenghua" (morals) were the base line of the censoring system. 故终民国之世,不得违背“党义”,不能有伤“风化”,始终是唱片审查制度的核心与底线。
- Yes,certainly there can be discussion,but it should be conducted within the scope and in the forms allowed by Party principles and decisions. 可以讨论,但是,在什么范围讨论,用什么形式讨论,要合乎党的原则,遵守党的决定。
- We should keep a certain distance from whatever is inconsistent with Party principles, in other words, we should draw a clear line of demarcation and rebuff it then and there. 对不符合党的原则的,就应当保持一个距离,就是说,要划清界限,立即挡回去。
- Yes, certainly there can be discussion, but it should be conducted within the scope and in the forms allowed by Party principles and decisions. 可以讨论,但是,在什么范围讨论,用什么形式讨论,要合乎党的原则,遵守党的决定。
- Mr.Kennedy delivered his most memorable words, wrapping his dedication to party principles in the gauzy cloak of Camelot. 肯尼迪先生说出了他最被人铭记的话语,用亚瑟王般亲民之志的浪漫包裹了他对民主党理念的执着。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- Whenever their remarks and actions do run counter to Party principles and repel us, we should not identify ourselves with them on such matters and in such circumstances. 他们那些话,他们那些行动,不符合党的原则,我们又看不惯,在这一部分问题、这一部分情况上,就不要打成一片。
- Some persons are not on the right track ideologically. They make statements contrary to Party principles and are neither honest nor upright. Yet there are other people who admire them and eagerly publish their articles. This is quite wrong. 有些人思想路线不对头,同党唱反调,作风不正派,但是有人很欣赏他们,热心发表他们的文章,这是不正确的。
- They are not guided by Party spirit and Party principles, but go along with whatever has the backing of the authorities and adjust their words and actions according to whichever way the wind is blowing.They think that they will thus avoid mistakes. 不讲党性,不讲原则,说话做事看来头、看风向,满以为这样不会犯错误。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party. 没错,他父亲是个酒鬼,但他永远是宴会的灵魂人物。
- As for Chang Kuo-tao's organizational line,it violated all Party principles,disrupted Party discipline and carried factional activity to the point of opposition to the Party,the Central Committee and the Communist International. 至于张国焘的组织路线,则是完全离开了共产党的一切原则,破坏了党的纪律,从小组织活动一直发展到反党反中央反国际的行为。
- He had a calling to join the party. 他被邀请参加聚会。
- Comrade Mao Zedong encourages criticism of any leading comrade (he often says he is no exception). However,such criticism should be conducted on appropriate occasions and according to Party principles,or be made to the person's face. 毛泽东同志提倡对党的任何负责同志(毛泽东同志经常说,包括他自己在内)的批评,但是这种批评必须根据党的原则在一定场合下进行,或者向他本人提出。
- Tessa laid out her best dress to wear at the party. 特莎准备出她最好的衣服去赴会。
- They are not guided by Party spirit and Party principles,but go along with whatever has the backing of the authorities and adjust their words and actions according to whichever way the wind is blowing.They think that they will thus avoid mistakes. 不讲党性,不讲原则,说话做事看来头、看风向,满以为这样不会犯错误。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- Our climbing party planned to get away at dawn. 我们的登山队打算一早就出发。
- Let's brighten up the party with some loud music. 让咱们用响亮的音乐使聚会欢快起来。