- Application of Automatic Monitoring System for Security in Pei Jia Wei Sluice Gate Station Project 安全自动监测系统在裴家圩闸站工程的应用
- Pei Jia Wei 裴家圩
- Guangdong Jia Wei Long Leather Apparel Ltd. 广东嘉威隆皮件服装有限公司。
- But would like to thanks those wonderful Jia Wei's fans for keeping the tagboard alive! 但是,还是要感谢那些佳薇的粉丝在这博客留下的留言!
- Li Jia Wei Li Houlin categorically said that her husband is not the end "I am so busy that training is" to hang up concluding remarks. 李佳薇斩钉截铁地说李厚霖不是她的丈夫,最后以“我现在很忙,正在训练”为结束语挂断电话。
- Wang Jia Wei Zi gold ore deposit is a new type gold mineral deposit in hypabyssal metamorphic rock series of early proterozoic era in south Liaoning. 王家崴子金矿床是辽南早元古界浅变质岩系中的一种新型金矿床。
- Objective To observe the influence of the Formula of Jia Wei Bao An on angiogenesis in chicken embryo allantois membrane (CAM). 目的观察加味保安方对鸡胚尿囊膜血管(CAM)生成的影响。
- After the Athens Olympic Games, with Li Jia Wei of Singapore's Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Tanhunlunjia genius, but several times after the storm, "Xiao Lang is from passers-by. 雅典奥运会后,李佳薇曾与新加坡天才选手苏西洛谈婚论嫁,但在几度风波后“从此萧郎是路人”。
- Along with Li Jia Wei and Li Houlin were married press statement is false, Li Jia Wei, Li Houlin, three-Li Li of the marriage between the sex scandal was also halted. 随着李佳薇与李厚霖分别声明结婚新闻是假的之后,李佳薇、李厚霖、李湘三李之间的结婚绯闻也戛然而止。
- In June that year, he created the anti-nasopharyngeal cancer, "Jia Wei Xiao scrofula pill" prescription, according to the medical records of books for internal rather than external. 当年6月,他自创的抗鼻咽癌“加味消瘰丸”的药方,据有关医学书籍记载只供外用而不宜内服。
- Li Jia Wei of the use of multi-serve with a backhand bit, "arch" of the confusing nature of the action side, the side of the backspin serve, hand-made plastic can now serve a half squat. 李佳薇的发球多使用反手位一个带“拱”的迷惑性动作的侧上、侧下旋发球,正手位可以用正胶发半下蹲发球。
- Clinical Observation on Jia Wei Tong Xie Yao Fang 加味痛泻要方治疗临床腹泻型肠易激综合征
- JIA WEI SI NI SAN decoction/therapeutic use 加味四逆散/治疗应用
- Jia Wei Bu Yang Huan Wu Deeoction 加昧补阳还五汤
- Jia wei qian zheng powder/Prednisone 加味牵正散/强的松
- Effect. Of Psoriasis Vulgaris With Si Wu Tang and Jia Wei 四物汤加味治疗寻常型银屑病疗效观察
- Keywords Jia wei zuo jin wan;CAG;obstructor of stomach power; 关键词加味左金丸;慢性萎缩性胃炎癌前病变;胃动力障碍;
- Pei Zheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- Yu Yao Wei Jia Electronics Co., Ltd. 余姚市唯嘉电子有限公司。
- At and from Hong Kong to Tai Pei. 由香港运往台北。