- Peking cabbage leaf 黄芽白菜
- Give her a clean cabbage leaf twice week. 一周两次给她一个干净的白菜叶。
- Evil rolls off Eva's mind like dew off a cabbage leaf, -not a drop sinks in. 坏事落在伊娃心灵上,像露水落在白菜叶子上一样,一下子就滑掉了。
- Evil rolls off Eva's mind like dew off a cabbage leaf, not a drop sinks in. 坏事落在伊娃心灵上,像露水落在白菜叶子上一样,一下子就滑掉了。
- To decrease discomfort from engorgement, use cold and/or cabbage leaf compresses between feedings. 两次哺乳间冷敷或用卷心菜叶敷在乳房上可以减少乳房充盈带来的不适。
- Large cabbage leaves stuffed with rice, meat and herbs. 卷心菜里一并含有米饭,肉和香草,并淋以蕃茄沙司。
- It is indicated that the cabbage leaf membrane was damaged by low temperature stress, and which is related to memobrane lipid peroxidation. 结果表明,低温冻害严重伤害了甘蓝叶片的膜系统,膜系统的伤害与膜脂过氧化有一定关系。
- To test the hypothesis that oxidative stress is involved in inducing freezing injury of plants,nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was infiltrated into cabbage leaf tissues before they were frozen. 为检验植物冻害的发生和氧化胁迫这一假说 ;在冰冻前把氮蓝四唑 (NBT)真空渗入到甘蓝叶圆片中 .
- So Timmy Willie said goodbye to his new friends, and hid in the hamper with a crumb of cake and a withered cabbage leaf; and after much jolting, he was set down safely in his own garden. 就那样,提米威利向他的新朋友道别了,带着一小块蛋糕和一片枯萎了的包菜叶躲在柳条篮里;然后经过许久的颠簸之后,他平安地在自己的庭园下了车。
- So he bought ten gritty, underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves. 他买了十个煎包儿,里边全是白菜帮子,外边又“皮”又牙碜。
- Put cabbage leaves at the bottom of a steamer, pour on the beef mixture, steam till done. 用青菜叶垫在笼底,倒入拌好的牛肉,用大火蒸熟。
- Drop cabbage leaves into boiling salted water. Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Dip them into the cold water. 先把白菜整片放入锅中烫软,取出后过凉水备用。
- So he bought ten gritty , underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves. 他买了十个煎包儿,里边全是白菜帮子,外边又“皮”又牙碜。
- Cabbage leaves can be steamed or cooked in a small amount of boiling water until they soften. 卷心菜的叶子可以在少量沸水里蒸或是煮来使它们软化。
- I booked a ticket through to Peking. 我预定了到北京的直达车票。
- Trees made of cabbage leaves, rocks of sweet potato, the narrow canyon made of bread and the sky made of purple cabbage. 甘蓝菜的叶子组成了树,蕃薯石头,狭窄的峡谷由面包组成,天空由紫甘蓝组成。
- You can cook mince meat inside all sorts of vegetable containers: orange peels, hollowed-out potatoes, onions, gem squash, butternut, or even cabbage leaves. 你可以在很多不同的蔬果里烹煮肉碎如柳丁皮,挖空的马铃薯,洋葱,石榴类(?),豆类或甚至是白菜叶。
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- And residents can't just stroll to the end of the street and empty their chicken bones, cabbage leaves and uneaten noodles into a large communal bin.They just doesn't exist. 在主干道两旁高大的水泥建筑背后,传统狭小庭院避开了这轮建设热潮,却避不开干涉之手。
- The results indicated that the cabbage leaf consumption and body weight gains were both reduced, and the larval mortality was increased after the larvae had fed on the leaves coated with the extract. 结果表明料纹夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾幼虫取食桔皮提取物后食物消耗量、体重增长量下降,幼虫死亡率增加。