- Pelagic Geckon. 太平洋夜蜥(壁虎科;大洋夜蜥)
- The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery. 这艘船从事远洋渔业。
- Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms. 浮游生物和自游生物都是海面的生物。
- Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. 也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。
- What is the origin of pelagic oozes? 远洋软泥的来源是什么?
- What is the range of the pelagic environment? 水层环境的范围是什么?
- Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material. 远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。
- The Gecko and Lizard Kingdoms greets you today. 壁虎与蜥蜴王国今天向你们问候。
- No Harold, No Gecko, No cockroaches, nothing. 没有霍华德、有壁虎、有蟑螂,什么都没有。
- Gecko: Oh, my God! Where is my tail? 哦!天哪!我的尾巴哪儿去了?
- Gecko: The fuzzy one, Thank you! 毛茸茸的那个。谢谢!
- The gecko's thumbs can stick to glass. 壁虎脚上的吸盘可以吸住玻璃。
- No Howard, No gecko, No cockroaches, nothing. 没有霍华德、没有壁虎、没有蟑螂,什么都没有。
- Gecko mom took little gecko to walk on the lawn. 壁虎妈妈带着小壁虎在草地上散步。
- The client group should be based pelagic domestic middle class. 这个客户群的基础应该是国内中产阶层的中上层。
- The average lifespan of the House Gecko is 5 to 10 years. 家中壁虎的生命基本上维持在五到十年。那么你说的壁虎就是早恋咯?
- And so what does gecko have to say unto ascending humans today? 那么壁虎今天要对提升人类说些什么呢?
- Gecko and lizard are gifted at the act of transmutation. 壁虎与蜥蜴有转化行为的天赋。
- The Gecko is ingenious, simple, and easy to use magic device. 壁虎 是巧妙,简单和易使用的不可思议的设备。
- Nigel the Geico Gecko's Eyeglasses - What Do They Tell Us? 更多关于博士伦引发"隐形眼镜"信任危机"机”士伦眼镜的新闻