- People buying houses are goon 现时买房是傻包
- Many people buy houses on layaway. 许多人用分期付款买房子。
- A bubble starts when people buy houses in the expectation that they can refinance their mortgages at a profit. 当人们 购买房产,并期待能够从抵押贷款再融资中获利,泡沫便由此产生。
- The houses are specifically designed for old people. 这些房子是专为老年人设计的。
- New houses are springing up all over the city. 新建筑物犹如雨后春笋般地出现在这座城市里。
- These houses are exempt from paying rates. 这些房子是免付捐税的。
- Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity. 现在房屋大多用电照明。
- These old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房子将予拆除。
- Twenty houses are on my paper route. 划给我的送报地区有二十幢房子。
- The houses are sold out within this price range. 在这个价位范围之内的房子已售完。
- Banks are putting out more and more money to people buying their own homes. 银行向买房者放款越来越多了。
- The brick houses are roofed in red tiles. 这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。
- Sheehy said most of the people buying cars are repeat Chrysler customers. 希伊表示,大部分人购买汽车的人是重复的克莱斯勒客户。
- Houses are pricey in this area of the city. 城里这个地区的住房价格很高。
- Most people buy meat and grocery at retail. 大部分的人以零买方式购入肉和杂货。
- The prices of houses are trending upwards. 房价趋于上涨。
- I'll advise with him on buying houses. 我要和他商量买房的事。
- Their houses are two miles apart. 他们的房子相距两英里。
- Why do people buy or sell shares? 为什么人们要买卖股份呢?
- Many people worry that today buy houses tomorrow prices also fell. 很多人担心今天买的房,明天的房价又下跌了。