- Peptic ulcer of stomach 胃消化性溃疡
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum afflicts more than 10 million citizens of the United states. 胃和十二指肠溃疡病患及1,000万以上的美国公民。
- Methods The reviewable analysis of the X - ray express of benign and malignant ulcer of stomach in 230 cases. 方法回顾性分析230例良、恶性胃溃疡的X线表现。
- Do not use in case of pixu (spleen deficient) without indigestion. Use with care in cases of over abundance of stomach acid, peptic ulcers or pregnancies (to avoid premature delivery). 脾虚无食积不化者忌用。胃酸过多及胃溃疡患者慎服。孕妇慎服,以避免早产。
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum afflicts more than 10 million citizens of the United states 胃和十二指肠溃疡病患及1,000万以上的美国公民。
- Fruit: pain in uterus, diarrhea, weak digestion, lack of appetite, lack of milk production, arthritis, numbness in limbs, ulcers of stomach and duodenum. 子宫痛,痢疾,脾胃虚弱,食欲不振,乳汁缺少,风湿关节疼痛,肢体麻木,胃、十二指肠溃疡疼痛。
- Gastritis may cause symptoms resembling those of peptic ulcer. 胃炎可引起类似消化性溃疡的症状。
- Peptic ulcer is a sharply circumscribed loss of tissue. 消化性溃疡是一种界限清楚的组织损毁。
- The cure of ulcer of gastric ` duodenum? 胃`十二指肠溃疡的治疗?
- I think you've got a peptic ulcer ( duodenal ulcer). 我看你得的是胃(十二指肠)溃疡。
- Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal ref ... Drugs for functional bowel disorders 阿洛司琼 al ...
- a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid. 通过减少胃酸分泌来治疗胃溃疡的药物(商标是Tagamet)。
- Objective:To research the relationship between gastric juice and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2) level of active stage peptic ulcer(APU) patients with wetness heat in the spleen and stomach(WPS). 目的 :探讨胃液及血前列腺素 E2 (PGE2 )水平与消化性溃疡活动期脾胃湿热证的关系。
- Preventive Effects of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Granule on the Occmrence of Complicated Stress Ulcer of Stomach in Rats After Cerebral Infarction 大黄胶囊预防脑梗塞并发应激性胃溃疡的实验研究
- Objective To analyze clinical characteristics of peptic ulcer in elderly(PUA). 目的探讨老年性消化性溃疡的临床特点。
- Common disorders include gastritis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, and cancer. 胃部常见的疾病有胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃下垂和胃癌等。
- Objectives Observation on the Clinical effect of Peptic Ulcer with Weishaile. 目的观察胃赛乐胶囊治疗消化性溃疡的临床疗效。
- What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient? 胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?
- Methods We divided 94 peptic ulcer hemorrhage patients of our hospital remedy. 方法对我院消化性溃疡出血患者94例观察治疗。
- The ulcers of chancroid are not contagious. 软性下疳的溃疡没有传染性。