- The deggree of peritumoral brain edema (PTBE)was estimated on the basis of CT of head and MRI . 根据头颅CT或MRI估计瘤周水肿(peritumoral brain edema,PTBE)的程度。
- The study of vascular endothelial growth factor and proliferating cell nuclear antigen and peritumoral brain edema in meningiomas. 脑膜瘤血管内皮生长因子与肿瘤增殖活性及瘤周脑水肿关系的研究。
- Peritumor brain edema 脑水肿
- Keywords Vascular endothelia growth factor Astrocytoma Peritumoral brain edema; 血管内皮生长因子;星形细胞瘤;瘤周水肿;
- Keywords petroclival meningioma;cerebellopontine angle microsanatomy;cell proliferation;blood vessle regeneration;VEGF;peritumoral brain edema (PTBE); 岩尖斜坡脑膜瘤;瘤周水肿;显微解剖;细胞增殖;血管新生;血管内皮生长因子;
- The treatment of brain edema type is using hyperosmotic dehydration as core. 脑水肿型以高渗脱水剂为主。
- Peritumoral brain edema 瘤周脑水肿
- Objective To investigate the effect of hirudin on brain edema and brain injuries after intracerebral hemorrhage. 目的探讨水蛭素对脑出血后脑水肿与脑组织损伤的影响。
- Objective: To study the effect of dexamethasone( Dex) on brain edema in irradiated rats. 目的:研究地塞米松对放射性大鼠脑损伤的影响。
- Change of brain edema was analyzed by Evans blue extravasation and brain water content. 通过观察Evans蓝扩散距离、脑组织含水量的不同两项指标来观察脑水肿程度。
- Objective:To study the effects of resveratrol on brain edema and ultramicrostructure of rats with brain trauma. 目的:探讨白藜芦醇对自由落体伤大鼠脑水肿的影响及超微结构变化。
- Objective:Study the influence on rat brain edema and ATPase activity with cerebral ischemia reperfusion. 目的:研究缺血再灌注对脑组织水肿和ATP酶活性的影响。
- Results: Patients treated with NBCA glue embolism had significantly lower rates of brain edema an... 结论:术中NBCA胶栓塞可以显著提高复杂脑海绵状血管瘤的治疗效果。
- Aescin is being used in brain edema, open injuries, swelling after operations, venous return flow diseases. 七叶皂甙用于脑水肿,创伤或手术后引起的肿胀;与静脉回流障碍性疾病。
- Hypoxia may usually cause an increase in blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, resulting in vasogenic brain edema and aggravating neuronal injury. 缺氧通常会引起血脑屏障通透性增高,造成血管源性脑水肿加重神经元损伤。
- Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of glucose-6-phosphate polyclonal antibody (G-6-P pAb) on vasogenic brain edema (VBE) in rats. 目的观察葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶多克隆抗体(G-6-PpAb)对大鼠血管源性脑水肿(VBE)的治疗作用。
- Objective:To explore some clinical characteristics and predictive factors for brain edema after gamma knife radiosurgery(GKS). 目的:探讨伽玛刀治疗后脑水肿发生的一些临床特征和影响因素。
- The release and activation of -2/9 around hematoma in CH is one of the factors of brain edema forming, and can result in the form of VBE. 大鼠脑出血后MMP-2/9的释放与激活,是脑出血后早中期脑水肿形成的主要因素,导致BBB通透性增加而形成血管源性脑水肿。
- Mechanism of brain edema has close relationship with damage to blood-brain barrier (BBB) and disfunction of brain cell metabolism. 脑水肿的发病机制与血脑屏障(Blood-Brain Barrier,BBB)功能损害和脑细胞代谢紊乱关系最为密切。
- The CT scanning results showed that ventricular volume reduced to normal, and brain edema improved obviously in 11 cases. 复查CT示脑室系统缩小至正常,脑组织间质水肿明显减轻。