- Personal Value Questionnaire 个人价值调查表
- In fact, A personal value consist in his exist to others whether important. 事实上,一个人的价值在于他的存在对别人是否重要。
- A diligent person values his time. 勤奋者珍惜时间。
- Normal concerns were job consumption, realization of personal value, job stability and sufficient empowerment. 一般关心的是职务消费、个人价值实现、工作稳定、充分的支配权力;
- This world already accustom as an individual career on 's successful come measure a personal value. 这个世界已经习惯以一个人事业上的成功来衡量一个人的价值。
- First, I will sustain learners making autogenous search and building personal value by consultive standpoints of psychotherapy. 首先透过心理谘商的立场,鼓励学生自我试探,辅导学生认识自我,建立自尊与自信,进而自我悦纳。
- Welcome to join DCM family! Here you can optimize your personal value, here you have fun, here the team spirit i...... ... 公司名称:上海德臣人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-11
- Summary: Western mainstream economics, economic efficiency from the personal value judgments on the basis of individual utility maximization. 内容提要:西方主流经济学中,经济效率源于个人价值判断基础上的个人效用最大化。
- The quest of an existentialism education is to cultivate an authentic person who is aware of freedom and that every choice is an art of personal value creation. 追求一种存在主义教育是培养一个真正的人知道自由和选择是一门艺术,每个人的价值创造。
- The value-involvement in comparative education research displays in three forms: personal value involvement, social value involvement and disciplinary value involvement. 比较教育学术研究的价值涉入有三种形式:个人价值步入、社会价值涉入和学科价值涉入。
- "Of course there's not much entertainment like in big cities and young people might get bored, but you can clearly feel its worth and find your real personal value here," he said. 他说当然这里没有大城市中的娱乐活动,年轻人或许会感到厌烦,但你能清楚的感觉到它的价值所在,并在这里找到自己的人生真谛。
- Use self evaluation, discussions and activities to help Heather bring her personal values into focus. 通过自我评价、讨论和活动来帮助希瑟认清自己的个人价值。
- CSR is not only embodied by personal value pursue of investors and mature development of the market economy system, but also is needed by corporate's sustainable development and harmonious society. 企业承担社会责任不仅是企业投资者个人价值追求的体现和市场经济体制成熟发展的需要,而且也是企业可持续发展和构建和谐社会的需要。
- The paper gathers from the results that more and more women lack the pursuit of personal value and are gradually losing their criticizing power to the unfair order between the two genders. 这种变化的结果就是:更多的女性对自身价值的寻求在不断缺失,逐渐失去了对于不公平两性秩序的批判能力。
- The perplexity of view of personality value is a problem not to be ignored in modern society. 人格价值观的困惑是现代社会一个不容忽视的问题。
- You see, it turned out that my personal values and the Rotary ethic were perfectly aligned. 然而你看,它的结果却是我个人价值与扶轮社伦理的完美结合。
- This work ethic and these personal values made possible the so-called Japanese economic miracle. 正是日本人的这种工作精神,以及个人的人生价值准则,才是所谓的日本经济奇迹的实现成为了可能。
- Hunan cuisine personality value not only to "endure" out of the Natural, "endure" to leave a family, "endure" a home-Love endless aftertaste. 湘衡菜肴的个性不但“熬”出了原汁原味,还“熬”出了一股亲情,更“熬”出思乡恋家无穷的回味。
- Note that there isn't a proscribed right or wrong answer here.The choice depends on your personal values. 你要知道,我们并没有事先给你是对是错的答案,选择完全取决于你自己的评判。
- B. Talking about your parents' personal values may make the conversation disputable. 跟父母探讨个人价值问题可能会使谈话引起争议。