- Will it be Petr Cech or will it be Peter Bonetti? 是切赫还是伯内蒂呢?
- Former Blue Adrian Mutu sticks both goals past Petr Cech. 前切尔西球员艾德里安·穆图两次洞穿佩特·切赫的十指关。
- Petr Cech saw two goals put past him as the Czech Republic drew2-2 in Turkey. 切赫代表捷克队出场两度被攻破十指关,最后,捷克同土耳其2-2握手言和。
- Petr Cech saw two goals put past him as the Czech Republic drew 2-2 in Turkey. 切赫代表捷克队出场两度被攻破十指关,最后,捷克同土耳其2-2握手言和。
- "It is difficult but I hope that John Terry and Petr Cech are back soon. "我们现在十分艰难,但是我希望特里和切赫能尽快回来。
- Petr Cech has revealed his desire to see Jose Mourinho remain at the helm of Chelsea. 切赫表达了自己希望穆里尼奥留下来继续执教切尔西的愿望。
- Petr Cech's side dropped their first points away in Dublin against Republic of Ireland. 切赫所在的国家队(克)在都柏林挑战爱尔兰,带走了1分。
- Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech is ahead of schedule in his bid to recover from shoulder surgery. 蓝军门神切赫在肩部受伤进行手术后,恢复的速度比预期的要快。
- Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech is poised to make a sensational return from injury at Liverpool this weekend. 这个周末,切尔西守门员切赫从伤复原准备出现在利物浦的比赛,这好消息轰动了球坛。
- Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech insists his side's play will improve as the season unfolds. 切尔西门将彼得·切赫坚持认为,蓝军的表现会随着赛季的进行变得越来越好。
- Chelsea keeper Petr Cech has surgery for a depressed fracture of the skull after he was injured against Reading. 卢守紧切尔西低迷已手术颅骨骨折受伤后他被禁止阅读。
- Since then he has spent a frustrating year at Rennes at the same time as Petr Cech. 从那以后他在雷恩度过了郁闷的一年,那时候切赫还在那里。
- Petr Cech and his wife proudly announced today the birth of their first daughter. 彼得-切赫和他的妻子今天骄傲的宣布,他们的第一个女儿诞生了!
- Czech Republic goalkeeper, Petr Cech, is hoping for a clean sheet tonight against the Republic of Ireland in Prague. 捷克国门切赫则希望在布拉格干净利落地拿下爱尔兰队。
- The finish past Petr Cech was a formality as, at the time, the result seemed to be. 最后冲破切赫十指关的那个进球水到渠成,胜负几乎已经见分晓。
- Chelsea will be there or thereabouts at the end of the season, I do think losing Petr Cech is a massive blow though. 切尔西可能在赛季末会碰到问题,我觉得切赫的受伤绝对是对切的打击。
- Now, before we cut to the nub here, can we just take a moment to recap the season that Petr Cech has had? 在我们谈及重点之前,可不可以先占用一点时间,回顾一下本赛季切赫的经历?
- Petr Cech had a final appointment today with the neurosurgeon who conducted his operation. 给切赫动手术的神经外科医生今天对切赫的恢复情况作了最后的确定。
- Ain't it intriguing to hear Chelsea stars dedicating their victory against Barcelona to Petr Cech. 听到切尔西的球星把对巴萨的胜利献给切赫,是不是觉得有点古怪?
- And in goal at the Bridge for the first time since his injury - Petr Cech making his 100th Chelsea appearance. 还有自从伤病以来第一次在守门的彼得切赫,则迎来了他为切尔西效力的第100场比赛。