- Phalacroma cuneusn. 楔形秃顶藻
- Gradually, these pictographs became more stylized and wedge-like or cuneiform (Latin for wedge = cuneus) and adapted to write the local language, or Sumerian. 渐渐地,这些象形文字变得更加规范化,变成了楔形文字,适合于书写当地的语言,或者是苏美尔语。
- Even the word coin, translates from the Latin "cuneus," meaning wedge, and was thusly named because early coins ressembled the wedges the dies used to coin coins. 甚至“coin”(硬币)一词,是从拉丁文“cuneus”翻译过来的,意思是“楔子”。之所以称之为“楔子”,是由于早期的硬币与用来铸造硬币的楔形模具很相似。
- Phalacroma doryphorumn. 具刺秃顶藻
- Phalacroma ovatumn. 卵圆形秃顶藻
- Phalacroma ovumn. 卵形秃顶藻
- cuneus (cunei) 楔叶
- cuneusn. 楔片(半翅目的前翅)
- Phalacroma rotundatumn. 圆秃顶藻
- Phalacroma favusn. 峰窝秃顶藻
- Phalacroman. 秃顶藻属(鳍藻科;翅甲藻科)
- Phalacroma mitran. 帽状秃顶藻