- Phenol degradation rate 酚降解率
- The pH value and CODcr value of the solution changed much obviously when the awl electrode acted as anode, whereas the degradation rate of phenol and conductivity of the solution enhanced distinctly when the awl acted as cathode. 锥端为正极时,溶液pH值和CODcr变化较明显,锥端为负极时则苯酚的降解率和溶液的电导率有明显提高,有利于废水的最终净化。
- Taking phenol as target substrate for photoelectrocatalytic degradation experiments, the degradation rate of phenol and mineralization level under different calcinated electrodes were investigated. 以苯酚为目标降解有机物,研究了所制备的薄膜电极对有机物光电催化降解能力及矿化程度的影响。
- Parallel tests suggested that the alkaline electrolyte was beneficial to phenol degradation. 对比实验揭示,碱性电解液有利于苯酚的降解。
- The immobilization of Fe2 on zeolite could receive good performance for phenol degradation. 实验表明,分子筛-亚铁催化剂对苯酚废水降解效果最佳。
- The synergetic kinetics of phenol degradation in water by using microwave/H2O2(MW/H2O2)system was studied. 摘要 研究了微波/过氧化氢(MW/H2O2)系统催化氧化降解苯酚的动力学。
- To control the dosage of TiO2 can improve the degradation rate of Rogor. 控制催化剂TiO_2的用量能提高对乐果的降解率。
- Under the optimal condition, the degradation rate of the dye could be up to 90%. 在最优条件下,染料脱色率达90%25以上。
- Furthermore, the degradation rate of the surgical suture line of chitosan must match up to the cicatrization speed of wound. 认为在制备手术缝合线之前有必要对壳聚糖进行预处理,此外缝合线降解的速度应与伤口愈合的速度相互匹配。
- CS 1 media could be used to test the ability of phenol degradation for the bactria without previous phenol-taming,and CS 2 media was fit for the bacteria with previous phenol-taming. CS1 培养基适宜测试未驯化细菌对苯酚的降解能力 ,测试驯化细菌则要用CS2培养基
- However, when the pH rises to a certain value, the degradation rate of aniline will drop. 但当pH值升到一定程度以后,去除率又有所下降。
- Addition of titanium oxide sol makes the degradation rate of DCM greater, and the conductivity will be changed. 二氧化钛溶胶的浓度和二氯甲烷的浓度对光催化的电导率的变化有一定的联系。
- The reaction addition and scale effect do not much affect the degradation rate of RhB by ferrate. 在高铁酸钾氧化罗丹明B的研究过程中对添加物和溶液体积的初步探索表明这两因素对降解效率并没有明显影响;
- The degradation rate of cellulose and hemicellulose after fermentation was 59.86% and 67.22%, respectively. 发酵后秸秆纤维素和半纤维素的降解率分别为59.;86%25和67
- With the seawater salinity increasing,the degradation rate constant of substrate drops. 随着污水中海水比例的增大,基质降解速率常数逐渐变小。
- The discharge atmosphere has a different effect on the dechlorination and COD degradation rate. 当放电气相中有氧气存在时,碱性溶液比中性溶液更有利于4-氯酚的脱氯和降解;
- The degradation rate reaches 100 % for parathion solution of 25 mL with initial concentration of 30 mg/L under 0. 在有硫酸铁改性活性炭存在下,微波照射能使溶液中的对硫磷(乙基1605)迅速降解。
- The degradation rate of COD and ammoniac nitrogen reached 94.1% and 84.5%, respectively. 在最佳处理工艺条件下;COD和氨氮的降解率分别达到94.;1%25和84
- Degradation rate of TOC in aniline-containing solution at sound intensity of 0.3W/ml was slightly lower than that at sound intensity of 0.2W/ml. 在声强0.;3W/ml条件下,苯胺溶液的TOC降解率比声强为0
- Degradation rate of TOC in aniline-containing solution at sound intensity of 0.3W/ml was slightly lower than that at sound intensity of 0.2W/ml. 在声强0.;3W/mL条件下,苯胺溶液的TOC降解率比声强为0