- Phenomenology of Husserl 胡塞尔的现象学
- The phenomenology of the spirit in fairytales. 童话中的精神现象学。
- This article analyzes the beginning of Husserl's phenomenology in three aspects. 对胡塞尔现象学的理论开端进行审视,是把握他的思想脉络的一个重要途径。
- Husserl's phenomenology; Heidegger's philosophy; Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception; Gadamar's hermeneutics. 主要内容:胡塞尔现象学;海德格尔的存在哲学;梅洛-庞蒂的知觉现象学;伽达默尔的解释学。
- It is also clear that precisely because of his ethically based criticisms, Levinas will continue to appreciate the unsurpassed positivism of Husserl's phenomenology. 同时,这也是很清楚的,由于其精确的基于伦理的判判,列维纳斯将要继续感激胡塞尔现象学卓越的实证。
- Secondly, the logical starting point of Husserl's phenomenology is antinaturalism and antipsychologism because ideastism is the foundation of his phenomenology. 第二,现象学的逻辑起点是反对自然主义和心理主义,坚持一种观念主义的立场;
- And in the principal part, which begins with a compendious narration of Husserl's phenomenology, Husserl, Geiger, Ingarden, Dufrenne and Heidegger are observed as Phenomenology Aestheticians. 在第二部分中,本文以对胡塞尔现象学基本思想的评述开始,依次考察了胡塞尔、盖格尔、英伽登、杜夫海纳和海德格尔的现象学美学思想;
- Remarking on Husserl's doctrine, he absorbed in the descriptive method of phenomenology, made his critique of Husserl's transcendent phenomenology, and founded his own naturalist phenomenology. 他在论评胡塞尔的学说中,吸收现象学的描述方法,批评胡塞尔的超验现象学,建立自己的自然主义现象学。
- And in the principal part, which begins with a compendious narration of Husserl"s phenomenology, Husserl, Geiger, Ingarden, Dufrenne and Heidegger are observed as Phenomenology Aestheticians. 在第一部分中,本文依次考察了康德、费希特和浪漫派、谢林、席勒以及黑格尔的美学思想;
- A phenomenology of religion must be both existential and hermeneutical. 宗教现象学必须既是存在性的又是诠释性的。
- Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level. 巨观尺度下材料机械性质之现象学。
- A sign is divided into "Ausdruck" and "Anzeichen".This is the first differentiation of Husserl's semiotic theory. 摘要把符号划分为“表述”与“指号”,这是胡塞尔符号学理论的第一个区分。
- And what is the relation between the phenomenology of politic and the phenomenology of intersubjective culture? 它包含哪些环节、哪些层次?以及“政治现象学”和“交互文化现象学”与“世界现象学”的之间的关系。
- To what extent does the system of science require the Phenomenology of Spirit as its first part? 科学体系在什么范围内需要精神现象学作为它的第一部分?
- His experiences as a resistance fighter shaped his philosophy that was influenced by the ideas of Husserl and Heidegger. 他的作为反抗斗士的经验使他的受到胡塞尔和海德格尔影响的哲学得以成形。
- When we say Husserl is a rationalist, we are quite right, only if that we notice that this is not a complete comprehension of Husserl. 当我们说胡塞尔是一位理性主义者,这是没有什么问题的,但只看到这一面却是对胡塞尔的一种不全面的理解。
- The naturalism in phenomenology supporting "regress to the fields and gardens" is the end result and acme of the historical phenomenology of Marx. “回归田园”赖以支撑的现象学自然主义乃是马克思历史现象学的归宿和顶点。
- To decipher the religious meanings of these codes is the direct purpose and task of Eliade’s phenomenology of religion. 破译这些密码的宗教意义就是伊利亚德的宗教现象学的直接目标和任务。
- On the theme of embodiment Michael Polanyi's theory of tacit knowing and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception converge. 摘要在身体性这个维度上,波兰尼的默会认识论和梅洛-庞蒂的知觉现象学之间存在着某种思想的会聚。
- This section deals first with these differences, then goes on to further features of Husserl‘s notion of intentionality reaching beyond the issues considered by Brentano. 这一部分就首先处理这些不同,然后考察胡塞尔的意向性观念超越布伦塔诺观点的进一步的特性。