- Phoma glomerata 球状茎点霉
- Dichrostachys glomerata (Forsk) Chiov. 柏勒树
- Phoma ligam (Tode ex Schw.)Desm. 称黑胫茎点腐,属半知菌亚门真菌。
- Progress in Studies on Genetic Diversity of Dactylis glomerata L. 鸭茅种质资源多样性研究进展。
- Haeker JF,et. Bloody Ascites Anunusual presetation of prim ary splenie lym phoma [J].Gastroenterology ,1982 ,83 (2):470. 安子之,徐大毅,申风俊.;肝硬化血性腹水35例临床分析[J]
- Based on molecular analysis, the genetic variation of D. glomerata germplasms was closely associated with ploidy levels and geographical distributions. 从分子水平分析,鸭茅遗传变异与染色体倍性和地理分布密切相关。
- The significance of vegetative propagation as a source of primary inoculum in spread of black rot (or streak disease), caused by Phoma wasabiae, was investigated in this study. 摘要本研究主在探讨山葵黑心病菌可能危害山葵之主要感染源,以明瞭山葵黑心病菌在田间发生扩展之情形;
- Thirty-seven accessions of wild Dactylis glomerata L. were used in assessment of genetic diversity by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). 摘要应用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术,从64个引物对中筛选出9个,分别对37份鸭茅种质进行扩增,共得到400条清晰条带。
- Phoma Fr. [医] 茎点属
- Dichrostachys glomerata Chiov. 柏勒树
- Triploid Datylis glomerata L. 三倍体鸭茅
- Dactylis glomerata Linn. 鸭茅
- Dactylis glomerata L. 鸭茅
- Jimin Zhang , Masahiro Akimoto and Akio Hongo (2004) Effect of applied nitrogen and leaf density of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) on the grazing behavior of sheep.Grassland Science 49 ,563-570. 张继敏,秋本正博,本江昭夫(2002)绵羊在采食不同的氮施肥量的牧草时采食行为的变化,北海道草地研究会报第36号,49(日文)。
- Phoma arachidicola Marasas Pauer & Boerema 花生网斑病
- Biological characters of Phoma wasabiae causing black rot of wasabi 山葵墨入病菌生物学特性研究
- Studies on Chromosome Doubling with Diploid Dactylis glomerata 二倍体鸭茅染色体加倍的研究
- Grazing effects on energy accumulation and allocation of Dactylis glomerata 放牧对鸭茅能量积累及分配的影响
- Progress on physiology, ecology and reproduction of Dactylis glomerata 鸭茅生理生态及育种学研究进展
- Analysis on the Drought Tolerance of Dactylis glomerata in Greenhouse 优良牧草鸭茅的温室抗旱性研究