- Phyllosticta hydrangea 叶点霉菌
- Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc. 落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。
- Hydrangea Root mat dissolve gravel and is anti-inflammatory. 光绣球根部可分解结石及有抗炎作用。
- Today, I would come to flights of fancy gold Hydrangea bar. 今天,我就来夸夸金绣球吧。
- Gold Hydrangea petals was banana-shaped, red trace yellow, yellow trace red. 金绣球的花瓣呈香蕉状,红中透着黄,黄中透着红。
- The dandelion nozzle is also called crystal bigleaf hydrangea nozzle. 蒲公英喷头又名水晶绣球喷头。
- Chi, Phomopsis yuccae (Cooke) Grove, and Phyllosticta yuccae Bissett, respectively. Chi)、丝兰拟茎点霉[P.;yuccae (Cooke) Grove]和丝兰叶点霉(Phyllsoticta yuccae Bissett)。
- Drag onto the page to add a deciduous shrub, such as lilac, spirea, or hydrangea. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶灌木,如丁香、绣线菊或绣球花。
- Effect of eight kinds of base materials on the cuttage rooting rate of Hydrangea macrophylla ser. 不同基质对八仙花扦插生根的影响。
- Effects of Medium Ratio and Growth Regulator on Rooting of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. 基质配比及生长调节剂对八仙花扦插生根的影响。
- Claret, Hydrangea - flowered; erect stems, slender stalks, round thin leaves in yellowish green, middle flowering. 绣球型,紫红色。颈直。柄细长。叶稀而圆,黄绿色。株形直立,分枝能力中。花期中。
- Horsetail is often combined with Hydrangea in the treatment of prostate troubles. 问荆常与光绣球一起用作治疗前列腺问题。
- Lotus, crown - or - Hydrangea - shaped; Deep peach - pink, slightly soft branches, large narrow leaves, spreading. 荷花型,皇冠型,绣球型。深桃红色。多花型品种。株形开张,枝条较软。叶大,长尖。生长势中。
- Title: Effects of Medium Ratio and Growth Regulator on Rooting of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. 关键词:基质;珍珠岩;腐殖土;生长调节剂;生根;八仙花
- Various flowers and plants, such as hydrangea, rose, chrysanthemum, camellia, and bamboo, are seen below. 下方坡石间种著绣球、玫瑰、野菊、山茶、竹等花卉。
- "Seven Star Parker", "Tau Bo," "gang bian Parkinson", "Hydrangea beat", are representative of the Easter Hillqi bai . 七星柏"、"牛头柏"、"钢鞭柏"、"绣球拍",都是卦山奇柏的代表。
- Pinkish blue, Hydrangea - shaped; flowers drooping at one side, narrow leaves, spreading, sterile. 绣球型,粉蓝色。株形开张,花朵侧垂。叶长尖。无结实能力。
- Since then, the industry group will be decided just to throw a Hydrangea Tiger * ST. 此后,金业集团将绣球抛给了*ST泰格。
- Put the word dragon from 13 Long Body (also known as Long Section), and an integral collar Long Hydrangea. 摆字龙灯由13节龙身(又称龙节)和1个领龙绣球组成。
- Phyllosticta spp. 叶点霉属。