- Phymatopteris tibetanan. 西藏假瘤蕨
- Arge lutea Cameron, 190 , = Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise, 1933, syn. 新异名 ; Arge lutea Cameron;190 ;=Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise;193 3 ;syn.
- Phymatopteris cartilagineo-serratan. 芒刺假瘤蕨
- Study of Castanopsis tibetana Community Dominant Plant Population Competition 钩栲群落优势植物种群竞争的研究
- Research on niche of Castanopsis tibetana population and its main associated species in Sanming, Fujian 福建三明钩栲种群与主要伴生树种生态位研究
- A new distribution record of Sichuan takin Budorcas taxicolor tibetana in Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi, China 羚牛四川亚种在陕西秦岭分布的新记录
- Phymatopteris chrysotrichan. 白茎假瘤蕨
- Phymatopteris connexan. 耿马假瘤蕨
- Phymatopteris daweishanensisn. 大围山假瘤蕨
- Phymatopteris ebenipesn. 黑鳞假瘤蕨
- subsp. tibetanan. 西藏亚种
- Megachile lagopoda tibetanan. 小足切叶蜂西藏亚种
- Phymatopteris falcatopinnatan. 镰羽假瘤蕨
- Phymatopteris griffithianan. 大果假瘤蕨
- Castanopsis tibetanan. 钩锥
- Ixora tibetanan. 西藏龙船花
- Phymatopteris likiangensisn. 丽江假瘤蕨
- Phymatopteris obtusan. 圆顶假瘤蕨
- Parnassia tibetanan. 西藏梅花草
- Ankylopteryx tibetanan. 西藏绢草蛉