- Picking and sightseeing garden 采摘观光园
- I'm never one to pick and choose. 我从来不是爱挑拣的人。
- Welcome you to China for investment and sightseeing. 欢迎你到中国来投资和观光旅游。
- We had to find a flat in a hurry there was no time to pick and choose. 我们只好匆忙找套房子--没有时间挑选了。
- You can't pick and choose which laws to obey. 法律条款是不由你挑挑拣拣的。
- You have plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing in Tokyo. 你们有充足的时间在东京观光和购物。
- He ran and brought the boys' pick and shovel. 他跑过去拿回两个孩子的工具: 十字镐和铁锹。
- Pick and shovel, a dollar a day. 锄头和铲子; 一天一美元.
- What business has a pick and a shovel here? 这里要锹和镐头干什么?
- You can pick and eat while doing some farm work. 可以随摘、随做、随吃啊。
- He was working with a pick and shovel. 他在用镐和铲干活。
- Take your pick and shoot 'em down. 目标随你挑,把他们都击落。
- With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave. 我将为他挖坟墓,用我的凿子和铲子。
- The sightseeing garden glasshouse has video monitoring system and data collecting system, which present the use of modern information technology in urban agriculture. 观光园温室安装有视频监测系统和温室数据采集系统,它是现代信息技术在都市农业中的应用。
- The results showed that "the tiger sniffing the rose" was important to express landscape characteristic of agricultural sightseeing garden. 结果表明,“猛虎嗅蔷薇”对农业观光园景观特色的表现有重要作用。
- I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains. 我挑选壁纸和帘子用了好几天的时间。
- "The tiger sniffing the rose "emphasized the relationship of contrast and reconciliation, which had been widely used in agricultural sightseeing garden. 摘要“猛虎嗅蔷薇”就是强调对比与调和的关系,已在农业观光园中得到了广泛的运用。
- She spent much time picking and choosing in the supermarket. 她费了不少时间在超级市场挑选商品。
- He can't pick and choose what job he wants nowadays; he must be satisfied with what he's offered. 现在对自己想做的工作没有挑选的余地,他只得满足于所能得到的工作。
- Tardy shoppers are left with slim picking and a lot of stress! 如果买东西买得慢的话(行动迟缓的购物人),选购无几,剩下的只是很多的压力感。