- The lens is a writing utensil;pictures and images are the material remnants of the act of writing. 摄影机镜头是一种书写工具,图像与影像则是书写留存下来的物质化存在。
- Imagery uses a lot of pictures and images, such as symbols, to help us understand more clearly. 意象通过大量的画面和想象,例如象征,来帮助我们更形象的理解。
- Pictures and images. 画像和肖像。
- Pictures and images contained millions of words and stories.Words and languages are not required to pass over the ideal and design of an author, it can be transracial, transcultural second language. 摘要:影像图形中包含著千言万语,故不需文字或语言可传达作者意念与想法,为可跨越种族、文化与环境区域的共同语言。
- He deals in pictures and bronzes. 他贩卖图画和铜器。
- He removed the pictures and put them in the drawer. 他把画取下来,放到抽屉里。
- He is the very spit and images of his father. 他和他父亲长得一模一样。
- Take down the old pictures and put up new ones. 取下旧图片贴上新的。
- Play your pictures and videos in random order. 随机播放图片和视频。
- He is the very spit and image of his father. 他和他父亲长得一模一样。
- Children love to have toys, pictures and what not. 孩子一般喜欢玩具、图片和其他的东西。
- And you'll have the normal sort of text and images. 而且你将会有正常的种本文和图像。
- Read.Match the pictures and the words. 将句子的序号写在对应的图片下.
- The IOB data include texts and images and rubbings. 金文资料包括文本、图片、拓片。
- Ilook at your pictures and reread your e-mails. 我一遍又一遍地看你的相片还有你的信。
- Optic cable is ideal when wide band transmission channel is required to implement realtime dual transmission of bureau, mine remote picture and image. 局、矿远程图形、图象实时双向传输需要宽频带的传输信道,光纤光缆信道是理想的选择。
- Details and images nuance our picture of the times. 细节和影像让我们对那个时代有了细致的认识。
- Scribbled pictures and remarks have defaced the pages of the book. 乱画的图画和注解于那书上的书页无法阅读。
- The compute system can deliver sound and images at the same time. 计算机系统可以同时传送声音和图像.
- The room was full of pictures and other beautiful ornaments. 这个房间布满了图画和其他漂亮的装饰品。