- Pigmy rattlesnake 侏响尾蛇
- A rattlesnake is a really mean creature. 响尾蛇是很凶的动物。
- The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake. 叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。
- The tip of a rattlesnake's rattle. 响尾蛇发声器官的末端
- "There's rattlesnake down there,"I said to my wife. “底下有响尾蛇”,我对妻子说。
- A rattlesnake is a poisonous American snake. 响尾蛇是美洲的一种毒蛇。
- The rattlesnake can produce rattling sound. 响尾蛇会发出啪啪的响声。
- We saw a real live rattlesnake in the garden. 我们在花园里看到一条活生生的响尾蛇。
- Rattlesnake skin is used for fancy bags and purses. 响尾蛇皮被用来制作精美的提包和钱包。
- The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail. 音响构造响尾蛇尾部尖端能发出连续响声的结构
- The rattlesnake swiftly vibrated and shook its tail. 响尾蛇急速地摇晃并抖动尾巴。
- When the man spotted the rattlesnake,he drew back and aimed his shotgun. 当这个人确认出那是只响尾蛇后,他往后退并瞄准了它。
- The venom of rattlesnake is enough to kill 1000 rats. 响尾蛇的毒液足以杀死1000只老鼠。
- Mojave rattlesnake bites can cause respiratory depression. 莫哈维响尾蛇咬伤可引起呼吸抑制。
- There is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnake's tail. 没有比响尾蛇的尾巴更敏捷的东西了。
- Look at this one: a rattlesnake is twining upon a piece of boulder. 再看这件石雕,一条剧毒的响尾蛇盘踞在一块顽石之上。
- And a zoo in Brazil is celebrating the birth of a rare pigmy hippopotamus by inviting visitors to vote on its name. 在巴西,一家动物园通过邀请游客投票取名的方式来庆祝一只稀有的倭河马的出生。
- Bee attacks, like rattlesnake bites, are mostly a matter of bad luck. 蜜蜂攻击或是蛇咬都可以归因为运气不好。
- For it is he and not your god-self nor the pigmy in the mist, that knows crime and the punishment of crime. 因为知道罪与罚的,不是你的神性,也不是雾中的侏儒,而是人。
- But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening. 只是一个不成形的侏儒,睡眼朦胧地在雾中行走,寻找自己的觉醒。