- The individual requirementof any fabric shall be satisfied by adJusting fIlament diamenter, Tex No., yarn twist and No. of plied yarn as well. 广泛用于织物生产及绝缘包复产品,通过变化单丝直径、呈数、捻度、合股数等来满足各类不同织物的要求。
- Ply Yarn Twist 股线捻度
- Hard twist ply yarn is a simple and effective type of yarn for weaving heavy silk crepe. 强捻股线是制织真丝重绉的一种简便有效的线型。
- Used for direct twist measurement of single yarn and plied yarn by counting. 用于单纱、股纱等进行直接计数法捻度测定。
- In compliance with your request to our mr. j. , we have pleasure In send by separate post a sample of our 10s.3 - ply yarn . 依照您对本公司J.;先生的要求,我们已另邮寄去世0支的三合股纱样品。
- Analyses of the Influencing Factors on Twist Unevenness of Ply Yarn 股线捻度不匀影响因素的分析
- The advantage of this system is that the yarn does not rotate upon withdrawal and therefore the yarn twist remains constant. 这种退绕方式的优点是:纱线尖退绕过程中没有旋转,纱线的捻度没有变化
- This paper analysed and contrasted the structures of polyester and viscose complex yarn, polyester and viscose ply yarn, pure polyester single yarn and pure viscose single yarn. 对涤粘复合纱、粘股线、涤单纱及纯粘单纱的结构进行了分析和对比。
- Abstract: The dissolving of the water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber in the ply yarn is the key process of fabric manufacturing with untwisted yams. 摘 要: 无捻纱的退维工艺是织制无捻纱织物的关键工艺,退维过程的控制一直是困扰水溶性维纶伴纺与混纺产品开发的难点。
- Influences on slubby yarn twist of three parameters such as slubby length, slubby space and slubby multiple are analysed by testing ring spinning slubby yarn twist. 通过对环锭纺竹节纱的捻度进行测试,分析了竹节长度、竹节间距和竹节倍数三个基本参数对竹节纱捻度的影响。
- This paper analysed and contrasted the structures of polyester and viscose complex yarn,polyester and viscose ply yarn,pure polyester single yarn and pure viscose single yarn. 对涤粘复合纱、涤粘股线、纯涤单纱及纯粘单纱的结构进行了分析和对比。
- Based on the experiment,the paper discussas the change regulation of woo1 fabric's wechaniccharacteristics in various yarn twist knitting densify,milling temperature, milling time. 在实验基础上探讨了不同纱线捻度。不同编织密度以及不同缩绒温度和缩绒时间的纬平针羊毛衫力学性质的变化规律。
- The paper fist deduced the mathmatic formula of irregularity relationship between ply yarn and single yarn,then analysed the evenness of single yarn effected on the property of ply yarn. 文章首先从理论上推导出股线和单纱不匀率之间的数学关系式,然后利用试验数据分析了单纱条干不匀率对股线性能的影响。
- This article with the help of instrument principle analyzed the common failures occured during the use of Y331A model yarn twist tester, and put forward some approaches to fixing breakdowns. 本文对Y331A型纱线捻度机在使用中经常出现的故障问题,结合仪器原理进行分析,提出了故障排除方法。
- Continuous filament and ply yarns are inherently strong enough and usually do not require boosting of their strength. 连续长丝纱和股线具有较高的强度,通常不必进一步增加强度。
- And type of yarn(for example, core -spun stretch yarns,complex yarns with little or no stretch, single.or ply yarns of high dimensional stabililty). 纱线的类型(例如弹力包芯纱、弹性小或较差的花式线,具有较好的尺寸稳定性的单纱或股线)。
- The dissolving of the water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) fiber in the ply yarn is the key process of fabric manufacturing with untwisted yarns. 无捻纱的退维工艺是织制无捻纱织物的关键工艺,退维过程的控制一直是困扰水溶性维纶伴纺与混纺产品开发的难点。
- Complex ply yarns are usually composed of the following: a base or core, an effect, and a tie or binder. 合股花式线由下述纱线组成:芯纱或基础纱,饰纱,还有固结纱。
- Factors Affecting Yarn Twist Unevenness 影响纱线捻度不匀率的研究
- Analysis of Ring Spinning Slubby Yarn Twist 环锭纺竹节纱捻度分析