- At bottom, the question is confidence: confidence in the economy and confidence in our political leadership. 基本上,问题在于信心:对经济的信心以及对政治领导的信心。
- The leadership of the Party is mainly an ideological and political leadership. 党的领导主要是思想政治的领导。
- This situation increases the responsibility of the proletariat and its party for giving political leadership. 这种情况,加重了无产阶级及其政党的政治领导责任。
- Today our rightful intelligence is carelessly down and our political leadership something to a low level. 今天主持公道的知识界奇怪地保持沉默,而我们的政界领导人的水平则已降到很低的程度。
- The Party,on its part,should strengthen political leadership over the mass organization,but not act in its place. 党对群众团体,应加强其政治领导,不应在组织上去包办。
- At bottom,the question is confidence: confidence in the economy and confidence in our political leadership. 基本上,问题在于信心:对经济的信心以及对政治领导的信心。
- How does the proletariat give political leadership through its party to all the revolutionary classes in the country? 无产阶级怎样经过它的政党实现对于全国各革命阶级的政治领导呢?
- Each member sent one or two representatives, drawn from the political leadership. 各联盟成员从领导人中选派一两名代表。
- GFTU position: The GFTU rejects the view that the political leadership imposes its control over the organisation. 虽然法律不禁止罢工,但罢工权利却在处罚及罚款的威胁之下被严格地制约。
- The Party exercises political leadership over mass organizations through leading Party members'groups,not by issuing orders directly to them. 党对群众团体的政治领导,也不能直接下政治命令,而是经过党团去实现。
- It is by doing all these things that the Communist Party gives effect to its political leadership of the people throughout China. 共产党对于全国人民的政治领导,就是由执行上述这些条件去实现的。
- The political leadership realizes that it will have no moral authority to take action against errant citizens if it does not lead by example. 政治领导人都知道,他们假如不以身作则,就没有道德权力对行差踏错的市民采取行动。
- Andy Rothman, also at CLSA, argues that “in China, there is only a credit crunch when the political leadership wants one”. 也是里昂证券的安迪洛斯曼认为,“在中国,除非国家领导人想要,否则是不会有信用恐慌的”。
- Erroneous assessment by the political leadership that China will not react to India's 'Forward Policy' in NEFA region and Ladakh. 这背后的设想是通过逐步设立据点,最后把中国人赶出印度人认为自己拥有的地区。
- It was also expected to see the handing over of political leadership, from the elderly revolutionary nomenklatura to a younger generation. 也有人预计将会出现领导阶层的更替,政权会从老一辈革命者手中传递给新一代年轻人。
- Unnoticed by the audience, Europe, under new political leadership first in Germany and Italy and now in France and Britain, has changed the plot. 各位看官没注意到的是,欧洲,在德国和意大利(首届轮值主席国)到现在法国和英国的领导下,已经悄然改变了它的形象。
- The appointment of two heavy-hitters as finance ministers in France and Spain may not yet tip the balance in favour of sound political leadership. 法国和西班牙分别任命两位重量级人物担任财政部长,但这也许还不能令天平朝有利于产生良好政治领袖的方向倾斜。
- From this flows the failure to recognize the role of political leadership in the army and to recognize that the Red Army and the White army are fundamentally different. 因此不认识军队中政治领导的作用,不认识红军和白军是根本不同的。
- To top it all, irresponsible and jingoistic statements by the political leadership precipitated matters and gave a handle to the Chinese to attack Indian posts in 'self-defense'. 最为严重的是,政治家们不负责任和国粹主义的声明使局势更加恶化,并使中国人有把柄以“自卫”的名义进攻印度哨所。
- However, the West German political leadership demanded that the NVA be disbanded upon unification, and its equipment and bases were taken over by the Bundeswehr. 然而,西德政治领导层要求统一后国家人民军应该解散,同时它的装备和基地应该由联邦国防军接收。