- Polysiphonia abscissan. 剥离多管藻
- The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa. 实验曲线几乎与模座标平行。
- Y-coordinate direction, abscissa intermediate region. 纵坐标的正方向,横坐标的中间区域。
- Use a minimum of ordinate and abscissa values so they do not run together. 使用最低限度的协调与横坐标值使他们不跑在一起。
- The C-phycocyanin and the R-phycoerythrin were purified from the blue-green alga Spirulina platensis and red alga Polysiphonia urceolata respectively. 从单细胞蓝藻钝顶螺旋藻中纯化C藻蓝蛋白;从海洋红藻多管藻纯化R藻红蛋白.
- The abscissa of all graphs shows the consecutive increasing packet ID of the generated packets. 系统的无缝切换的设计理念保证了切换时不会有数据包的丢失。
- Therefore, on the complex plane, robust stability can be formulated by minimization of pseudospectra abscissa. 于是在复平面上,鲁棒稳定性问题就转化为伪谱横坐标(伪谱最右端的横坐标值)最小的优化问题。
- The reliability growth model combines with different defect type of ODC and projecting them on a common abscissa to make qualitative inferences. 提出将传统可靠性增长曲线模型结合正交缺陷分类属性缺陷类型,将不同种类的缺陷放在同一横坐标上进行比较,得出软件过程定性分析结论。
- Note:The ordinat is the relative original value of the parameters of the generator;the abscissa is the times of the interation of the parameters. 注:曲线图的纵轴为初值偏差量的相对值,横轴为迭代点整倍值,下面图6同。
- It is a general practice in drawing diagram of nuclides that the ordinate represents the proton number Z,and the abscissa the neutron number N. 习惯上,核素图以原子序数Z为纵坐标,中子数N为横坐标绘制而成。 本文试图以质子数为纵坐标、以核素的中子比值n/A为横坐标绘制核素图,这样绘制的核素图可以更清晰地反映出有关核结构的特性,诸如质子和中子的成对性、核素的奇偶性以及核壳层结构的表现等。
- Drawing a tangent after inflection and intersected the abscissa,the slope of the tangent was taken as the flexile modulus. 在不规则样条的负荷-挠度取拐点后直线段切线与横坐标的交点作零点修正后所测得的弯曲弹性模量比较接近真实值。
- Plot of the stress/strain curve of the test with the axial strain as the abscissa and the principal stress difference as the ordinate. 试验应力/应变曲线的绘制,其中轴心应变为横坐标,主应力差为纵坐标。
- The abscissa on behalf of the technical level, the direction will represent the future, the reversed direction represents. 横坐标代表科技水平,正方向代表未来,反方向代表去。
- If one usesthe method of extrapolation standard addition to extrapolate the stan-dard curve to the abscissa, the contentration of Ag~+ in the testingsolution may be read directly. 用标准加入外推法外延工作曲线至横轴,便能直接读出被测液中Ag~+浓度。
- On the profit curve, the ordinate is the change in the profit while the abscissa is the right side of the constraint. The slope at any point is the shadow price. 效益曲线的纵坐标为效益变化,横坐标为某一约束方程的右端项,曲线上任一点切线的斜率则为影子价格。
- Here you can configure the zero-line's color of the X (horizontal) axis. Of course, this setting only takes effect if the abscissa is displaying a Zero-line. 23这里您可以配置X轴零线的颜色。当然,此配置仅在图表被配置为显示零线时生效。
- English: Here you can configure the zero-line's color of the X (horizontal) axis. Of course, this setting only takes effect if the abscissa is displaying a Zero-line. 这里您可以配置X轴零线的颜色。当然,此配置仅在图表被配置为显示零线时生效。
- In this line, the subject of each point represents a stage of life, whether in this line at any point can be very good abscissa and ordinate correspond to perfect. 在这条线上,标的每一个点都代表一个人生阶段,无论在这条线上的任何一点,都可以很好的将横坐标与纵坐标完美的对应起来。
- Position in the development of display images, but also can change the location to display the location, can customize the abscissa and ordinate values. 在制定的位置显示图像,还可以改变位置来显示位置,可以自定义横坐标和纵坐标的值。
- Cells from the third passage were collected in both separation methods.The growth curves were drawn with time as abscissa and cell population as ordinate. 两种分离方法均取生长良好的第3代细胞,以时间为横坐标,细胞数为纵坐标,绘制生长曲线。