- Population Registry Office 人口登记处
- The banns of their marriage were put up outside the registry office. 他们的婚事在结婚登记处外宣布了。
- The bills of sale statutes provide for registration of bills of sale at a public registry office. 有关动产抵押的法规规定动产抵押注册应在一个公共注册办公室进行。
- Design, Setting, and Participants: Longitudinal study of 698 community-living persons 65 years or older who were randomly selected from a population registry in Tuscany, Italy. 实验设计,安排及参与者:随机选取意大利托斯卡纳社区的698名年龄在65岁以上的老人进行纵向研究。
- A few years ago, I attended my father's registry office do in a vintage dress, jangly jewellery and high-heeled boots. 几年前,我就穿著复古的服装、著叮当响的首饰、著高跟靴参加了我父亲在婚姻登记处的婚礼。
- Two weeks after their first meeting, they appeared before a registry office for marriage. 见面两周后,两人来到结婚登记处。
- You have to confirm your no-show status at the check-in counter in the registry office, and then you can go to the ticket office to ask for a change. 请您先到乘机登记处办理一下误机确认,然后到售票处办理变更手续。
- The registry office suggested Velez, who lives near Madrid, should choose a saint's name. But she said she wanted to stay Darling. 因为维勒兹住在马德里,因而注册局建议她选择一个圣徒的名字,但是她表示希望能保持原名。
- You can get married in any location licensed for the purpose of marriage, but you will need to give official notice of your marriage at a designated registry office. 您可以在任何官方许可的地方结婚,但您需提供指定的婚姻登记办公室出示的结婚通知。
- After saying their vows in the registry office, the happy couple (and about 40 friends)enjoy vodka Martinis, followed by dinner attheir favorite swanky restaurant. 在婚姻登记处宣誓完毕后,幸福的新婚夫妇(和40位左右朋友)一起分享伴有伏特加的马提尼酒,随后在他们中意的奢华饭店共进晚餐。
- Mexico's civil registry office began the mass weddings several years ago with migrants in mind, and has seen the number of couples attending surge as deportation rates grow. 墨西哥民事登记局考虑到移民人口而在数年前就举行过集体婚礼;随着遣返率上升,参加这种集体婚礼的人数也猛增。
- A newly married couple kisses in the doorway of the tiny mobile registry office where they were married on the beach in Norderney, northern Germany on July the 24th, 2008. 7月24日,在德国北部诺德奈市的海滩,一对新婚夫妇登记结婚后在结婚登记处门口接吻。是的,这个移动小屋就是结婚登记处!
- After saying their vows in the registry office,the happy couple (and about 40 friends)enjoy vodka Martinis, followed by dinner attheir favorite swanky restaurant. 在婚姻登记处宣誓完毕后,幸福的新婚夫妇(和40位左右朋友)一起分享伴有伏特加的马提尼酒,随后在他们中意的奢华饭店共进晚餐。
- Marriage under a Registrar's Certificate, usually in a registry office, but also in other buildings, usually those of minority religious groups such as Quakers, Humanists, etc. 二、按照政府规定的登记手续办理结婚,通常在登记处举行,但也有在其它建筑物里举行的,这些建筑物通常属于像公谊会或者人道主义者协会等人数不多的宗教团体所有。
- Abstract: Dispatch of new wall bulletin (Tian Gongjuan of reporter Wenan's trainee) after 7 days of long holidays, the marital registry office of Guangzhou each area is new and lively rise. 正文:新快讯讯(本报特邀记者文安实践生田红娟)7天假期后,中国广州各区的婚事注册处再次暄闹起来。
- In Vladivostok, Russia, registry offices reported more couples than usual getting married. 在俄罗斯海参崴,登记办说登记结婚的人比往常多。
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- to get married in/at a registry office 在户籍登记处举行婚礼
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- Marriage Registry Office OfBaoshan District 宝山区婚姻登记处