- Post Information Age 后信息时
- To mark the beginning of the information age. 信息时代的标志。
- We are living in the information age. 我们现在生活在信息时代。
- They say this is the information age. 他们说这是数据年龄。
- People talk about this being the information age. 人们谈论实在数据年龄。
- The Information Age is a time of peak. 信息时代是大量需求电脑的时期。
- Human society has entered the Information Age now. 人类社会发展到今天,经历了石器时代、农耕时代、机器大工业时代的演变,进入到信息时代。
- Hacker is the side-product of information age. 黑客是信息时代的副产品。
- In the information age, we must be well-informed. 在信息时代,我们必须信息灵通。
- You want to post information to the Web, and you want to save Excel data as a Web page to integrate into your Web site. 您想要将信息发布到网站,并且想要将Excel数据保存为网页以集成到网站中。
- Hacker ethic and the spirit of the information age II. 黑客伦理与信息时代精神2。
- Post information on receipts and payments into cash management module of ERP system everyday. 每日将所有收款和付款信息准确输入ERP系统现金管理模块。
- Programme experts are in great demand in the information age. 在信息时代,软件程序专家很吃香。
- The information age speeds up everything, even our heart rate! 信息时代一不小心改变了人类心脏跳动的频率。
- Select this site template when you want to create a site where users can post information quickly and allow others to comment on it. 要创建用户可以在其中快速张贴信息并允许其他人发表评论的网站时,请选择此网站模板。
- Is this the blessing or the curse of the "information age"? 这是诅咒还是祝福的"信息时代"?
- The company must also post information on payments it makes to doctors, including honoraria, travel and lodging, the Justice Department said. 司法部说公司也必须发布用于医生酬谢、旅行和住宿的费用信息。
- The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime. 信息时代为脑力劳动违法者(注:指依靠智力和知识进行犯罪活动的人)打开了大门。
- In this information age, we are deluged by data constantly. 在这个信息的时代,我们不断为数据所困扰。
- WIPO, as the primary facilitator of the WIPO Partnership Program, would collect and post information on successful partnerships in the Success Section of the Partnership Database. 作为WIPO伙伴关系计划的主要组织者,WIPO将收集并在伙伴关系数据库中的成绩分区发布成功结成伙伴关系的信息。