- Postsynaptic dlensity 93 突触后密度蛋白93
- Wow! 93 miles per hour! This guy can really throw! 哦!时速93英里!这投手真会投!
- There, median incomes run to about $93,000. 那里,收入中位数达到了93,000美元。
- In 1913 his plant produced a Model T every 93 min. 1913年,他的车间每93分钟就能出产一辆福特T型车。
- At 93 he's finally realized he's getting past it. 他到了93岁终於意识到自己已不中用.
- The spores could not germinate under RH<93%. 相对湿度小于 93%25 ,孢子不能萌发。
- The purity of baicalein is about 93% in the HPLC. 高效液相色谱检测分离的黄芩素的纯度可达93%25。
- Robert McNamara, Vietnam War architect, dies at 93. 美国越战设计师逝世享年93(承认发动该战争是错误的)。
- When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days. 他出发的时候,单人航海世界记录是93天。
- Grandfather spends a lot of time in bed now; mind you,he is 93! 祖父现在有很多时间都是在床上度过的,你要记得,他已经九十三岁了!
- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Fast excitatory postsynaptic potential(FEPSP). 主要观察指标:快兴奋性突触后电位(FEPSP)。
- Under these conditions, the yield of the ester was over 93%. 在此条件下,酯收率可超过93%25。
- In May, the number of persons affected of Food Poisoning was 93. 五月份,食物中毒的呈报个案中受影响人数有93个。
- In other words, it takes 93 years just to break even on CO2 levels. 或者换句话说,要93年时间来平衡多释放的二氧化碳。
- Service industries accounted for 93 percent of the revision. 修正数据的93%25都有关服务行业。
- Grandfather spends a lot of time in bed now; mind you, he is 93! 祖父现在有很多时间都是在床上度过的,你要记得,他已经九十三岁了!
- But when a successful kick guarantees a win, 93% of attempts go in. 但是当点罚成功会更加确保胜利时,93%25的射门都会进球。
- Many of these patients (93%) had heterogeneously dense breasts. 这些病例大多都具有致密乳房(93%25)。
- RESULTS: The cases of AVRT is 93,AVNRT is 51,IVT is 7. 结果:房室折返型心动过速(AVRT)93例,房室结折返型心动过速(AVNRT)51例,特发性室性心动过速(IVT)7例。
- But, Dr.Waltzman said, “We’ve implanted people who are 93. 然则,沃尔泽曼医生指出,“我们为93岁高龄的人士做过植入。”