- Potamon denticulatus [医] 锯齿奚蟹(肺吸虫的第二中间宿主)
- Potamon fluviatile, an unassuming freshwater crab, has shown superior staying power, thriving in the canals built by the Etruscans nearly 3,000 years ago, Italian zoologists say. 淡水蟹这种不起眼的螃蟹,竟然展现了优越的持久力,能够在伊特鲁里亚人3000年前建造的运河里生存至今,义大利动物学家说。
- This article intreduce a methed, which use Ixeris denticulatu as raw meterial in addtion to apple juice to produce Ixeris denticulatu clear juice beverage. 本研究以山野菜苦苣菜为主料,苹果为辅料,开发苦苣菜清汁饮料。
- Spinibarbus denticulatus denticulatus 倒刺鲃
- Keywords Ixeris denticulatu clear juice green - maintaining clarification flavor; 苦苣菜;清汁饮料;护色;澄清;风味;
- Macrotermes denticulatusn. 细齿大白蚁
- S . denticulatus doenticulatus 倒刺鲃
- Potamon tumidum lushuiensen. 胖溪蟹泸水亚种
- Porocephalus denticulatus [医] 锯齿蛇舌状虫(鼻腔舌形虫蚴)
- Potamon tumidum tengchongensen. 胖溪蟹腾冲亚种
- hymen denticulatus 锯齿状处女膜
- Potamon hispidum hispidumn. 毛足溪蟹指名亚种
- denticulatus 锯齿状的
- Potamon hispidum boshamensen. 毛足溪蟹保山亚种
- Spinibarbus denticulatus 倒刺鲃
- Potamon tumidum tumidumn. 胖溪蟹指名亚种
- denticulate","denticulatus"," 细锯齿状的"
- Potamon hispidum jianchuanensen. 毛足溪蟹剑川亚种
- Diplatys denticulatusn. 锯齿丝尾螋
- Potamon (Potamon) denticulata 溪蟹