- Our army is full of power and grandeur. 我们的队伍威武雄壮。
- The Yellow River Cantata is full of power and grandeur. 《黄河大合唱》气势磅礴。
- Battle drums thundering and the colours fluttering, the soldiers were full of power and grandeur. 张华很同意杜预的分析,也劝司马炎快快攻打吴国,以免留下后患。
- The Sculpture Legion in the Museum of Chin Shi Huang's mausoleum is full of power and grandeur. 那些秦始皇兵马俑的方阵整齐,气势逼人。
- The huge “flying saucer” form roof outmatch above the beautiful platform running south and north, full of power and grandeur, it appears glow behind the shinning of the sun. 巨大的“飞蝶”形屋顶凌驾于南北贯穿的群芳平台之上,气势恢宏,在阳光下的照射下更是显得熠熠生辉。
- The memorable days and glorious achievements of the 80 years of our Party leading the people to fight are like a huge picture scroll unfurled before the people of the world, meandering yet full of power and grandeur, vigorous yet bright and colorful. 我们党领导人民奋斗八十年的峥嵘岁月和光荣业绩,如同一幅逶迤而又气势磅礴、雄浑而又绚丽多彩的画卷,展现在世人面前。
- The memorable days and glorious achievements of the 80 years of our Party leading the people to fight are like a huge picture scroll unfurled before the people of the world,meandering yet full of power and grandeur,vigorous yet bright and colorful. 我们党领导人民奋斗八十年的峥嵘岁月和光荣业绩,如同一幅逶迤而又气势磅礴、雄浑而又绚丽多彩的画卷,展现在世人面前。
- The stage of action for a military man is built upon objective material conditions,but on that stage he can direct the performance of many a drama,full of sound and colour,power and grandeur. 军事家活动的舞台建筑在客观物质条件的上面,然而军事家凭着这个舞台,却可以导演出许多有声有色威武雄壮的活剧来。
- The stage of action for commanders in a war must be built upon objective possibilities,but on that stage they can direct the performance of many a drama,full of sound and colour,power and grandeur. 战争指挥员活动的舞台,必须建筑在客观条件的许可之上,然而他们凭借这个舞台,却可以导演出很多有声有色、威武雄壮的戏剧来。
- Furthermore the small stool under my buns was very boring, the small stools under our buns were all made of pure irons just for the sounds being full of power and grandeur when we put down our stools. 另外还有就是屁股底下的小凳子,为了在放凳子的时候声音能够整齐划一、气吞山河,所以我们屁股下面的小凳子都是用纯铁做的。
- The stage of action for a military man is built upon objective material conditions, but on that stage he can direct the performance of many a drama, full of sound and colour, power and grandeur. 军事家活动的舞台建筑在客观物质条件的上面,然而军事家凭着这个舞台,却可以导演出许多有声有色威武雄壮的活剧来。
- The stage of action for commanders in a war must be built upon objective possibilities, but on that stage they can direct the performance of many a drama, full of sound and colour, power and grandeur. 战争指挥员活动的舞台,必须建筑在客观条件的许可之上,然而他们凭借这个舞台,却可以导演出很多有声有色、威武雄壮的戏剧来。
- There are 72 peaks in Mount Huangshan, the distribution of which is rational and beautiful, natural and delicate.Some of them are full of power and grandeur and some are sheer and magnificent. 黄山有名可数的72峰,或崔嵬雄浑,或峻峭秀丽,布局错落有致,天然巧成。
- He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富,受尽了折磨。
- full of power and grandeur; magnificent; majestic 雄壮
- He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy far all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
- She was charmed with the beauty and grandeur of the scenery. 她被这美丽壮观的景色迷住了。
- He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
- The baron expected his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth. 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。
- Power and money go hand in hand. 权和钱密不可分。